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STM 009

Module 12:
Data Collection –
Part I: Observation Method
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
a. Define a research data and the observation method in collecting
research data,
b. Enumerate and define the types of research data and the
methods of collecting primary data, and
c. Discuss at least 3 types of the observation method in collecting
research data.


 Collected by someone
 Collected by the
else for some other
researcher to address purpose other than the
the research problem * problem at hand.
 Obtained through first-  Obtained from another
hand investigation researchers
Methods of Collecting Primary Data
( through
questionnaires or

Primary Data may be

collected from . . .

( official records, Observations
literature review, ( through
diaries, content experiments)
analysis )
What is the observation method of data collection?

 Systematic noting and recording of events, behaviors, and artifacts

(objects) in the social setting chosen for study.
 Observation is a systematic data collection approach. Researchers
use all of their senses to examine people in natural settings or
naturally occurring situations.
 Observation method is a method under which data from the field is
collected with the help of observation by the observer or by
personally going to the field.
 Observation is way of gathering data by watching behavior, events,
or noting physical characteristics in their natural setting.
Types of Observation Method in Data Collection

Casual and Scientific observation

 An observation with a casual approach involves observing the right thing at

the right place and also at the right time by a matter of chance or by luck.

 A scientific observation involves the use of the tools of the measurement.

Types of Observation Method in Data Collection

Natural Observation
 Natural observation involves observing the
behavior in a normal setting and in this type of
observation, no efforts are made to bring any
type of change in the behaviour of the observed.
Types of Observation Method in Data Collection

Natural Observation
 Natural observation involves observing the
behavior in a normal setting and in this type of
observation, no efforts are made to bring any
type of change in the behaviour of the observed.
Types of Observation Method in Data Collection

Subjective and Objective observation –

 All the observations consist of the two main components, the subject and
the object. The subject refers to the observer whereas the object refers to
the activity or any type of operation that is being observed.
 Subjective observation involves the observation of the one’s own
immediate experience.
 Objective observation refers to the observations involving observer as an
entity apart from the thing being observed.
Types of Observation Method in Data Collection

Direct and Indirect observation

 Direct observation is when you watch interactions, processes, or

behaviours as they occur; for example, observing a teacher teaching a
lesson from a written curriculum to determine whether they are delivering
it with fidelity.
 Indirect observations are when you watch the results of interactions,
processes, or behaviours; for example, measuring the amount of plate
waste left by students in a school cafeteria to determine whether a new
food is acceptable to them.
Types of Observation Method in Data Collection

Participant and Non-Participant observation

 Participant type of observation refers to the participation by the
observers/researchers with the various types of operations of the group
under study. Often the researcher actually takes on the role being
studied; for example, living in a commune, becoming a fire fighter, or
enrolling in flight training school.

 In the non-participant type of observation there is no participation of the

observer/researcher in the activities of the group that takes place, and
also there occurs no relationship between the researcher and the group.
For example, a researcher might be interested in studying the social
behaviours of professional athletes of the field yet he is not an athlete.
Types of Observation Method in Data Collection

 Structured and Unstructured observation

 Structured observation works according to a plan and involves specific
information of the units that are to be observed and also about the
information that is to be recorded. The operations that are to be observed
and the various features that are to be noted or recorded are decided well in
advance. Such observations involve the use of especial instruments for the
purpose of data collection that are also structured in nature.

 In unstructured observation, its basics are diametrically against the structured

observation. In such observation, observer has the freedom to note down
what he or she feels is correct and relevant to the point of study and also this
approach of observation is very suitable in the case of exploratory research.
Types of Observation Method in Data Collection

Controlled and Non Controlled observation-

 Controlled observations are the observations made under the influence
of some of the external forces and such observations rarely lead to
improvement in the precision of the research results. But these
observations can be very effective in the working if these are made to
work in the coordination with mechanical synchronizing devices, film
recording etc.
 Non controlled observations are made in the natural environment and
reverse to the controlled observation these observations involve no
influence or guidance of any type of external force

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