Week 1 Intro Revised

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GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

GAV4002-B History and Conventions of Computer Games

GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

GAV4002-B - HCCG

‘Welcome New Players’

GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

Who are you??

 Rob Redman, 36, PhD student, full time member of staff

A brief History of Rob

 Started at UoB in 2007 – came Foundation Year Route
 Finished Foundation, Moved to Batchelors Degree in newly formed MDT.
 Made a full vehicle conversion mod for TMUNF
 Part of the team that built “Steam Sunk!”
 Graduated 1st class BSc Honours in 2010 from ISVGD
 Moved To Masters Programme
 Built “Project HDR”
 Graduated Master of Science with Merit from ACASFX
 Decided Masters wasn’t enough…
 Currently finalising a PhD in Applied Videogame Experience Theory
 Currently Programme Leader for ALL of MDT Games and Animation

 Worked with/for 3 Games companies (Bluescreen Productions, Cogworks Studios, RedMenace Games)

 I like to think I *KNOW* video games – But I am not an expert in everything…

GAV4002-B - HCCG

An Intro to the Module

GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

Module Content
 Super Easy!

 20 credit module.

 1 report (1000 words) = 50% of total grade.

 1 Game Project (UE4 Project) = 50% of total grade.

 Mentioned in the Module Handbook (available on Canvas)

 Deadlines for hand in is 3rd May 2024 @ 1800.

 No big portfolios! No Exams!! Just coursework!

GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

 Introducing Your Teaching Staff!

Module Lead
 Rob Redman
 Available at r.j.redman1@bradford.ac.uk
 Office D2.08 (next to “The MDT Lounge”)
 Lecture session (unless stated otherwise) runs Wednesday
 Lab session for this module is in running on Friday**
 Also covering other modules
 (Bits of Look Dev, Environment Design) (App programming and Dev) (Bits of MOCAP)
 (Play Theory and Practice) (Major Project Production) (Individual Project) (Foundation Year)…

 We hate mornings as much as you lot do!

 All my stuff starts after/ at 10 am at the earliest!
** Still subject to room changes for the first 2 weeks
GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

 Introducing Your Teaching Staff!

Module Secondary
 Pete Chapman
 Available at p.chapman1@bradford.ac.uk
 Over the corridor from “The MDT Lounge” (D2.13?)
 Mid week part time (Monday through Wednesday)
GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

Module Structure
 Term is split this semester

 Week 1-8, then 11-12(?), we only have 10

weeks worth of content for the lecture part

 Week 9/10 (if I have my dates correct) is

Easter , the hand in is after the break!
 (this will be announced when we know more
about the Easter Break and its associated
time landing slot)

 Lectures will cover the nuances of digital

game, theory and design, focusing on 7 main
areas of content creation, and a little bit of
nuance from my experiences.
GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

Module Structure ctd.

 Labs are when you will create the awesomely playable submitted content for this module.

 Don’t leave everything till the Easter! – It'll be obvious, as your project will be crap!

 The lab sessions will be completely directed study; however I will do a q/a (if requested) on a “need content
by week basis” for you all to assist as best I can.

 I will not know all of the answers, because all of your projects will be different. (literally from where you save to
where you compile to exe)

 Please ask your peers and do research if you get stuck. I’m here to agro-google for you, but I am not a savant
of UE4, if I was I would be in industry, not teaching. (you would be surprised how often this comes up!)

 A lot of this module, unfortunately because of COVID restrictions is digital, and doesn’t have the sense of
community we would normally have if we were in D1.03 in the giant lab. I miss that… :(

 Playing with Unreal Engine can be scary; it is unstable as all hell once you get to customising, and it will
crash, a lot. Just make sure you iterate, duplicate, backup, and save frequently.
GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

Module Learning Outcomes

 Why are we working with potentially broken software? Why is this not easy?

What are we actually going to cover here then?

 Do we have any non or novice gamers in the room (normally at least one!)

 Breaking games down into their individual components, pretty much ‘Video Games 101’.

 Console Constraints and “learning to learn” theory.

 History and Lineage, background knowledge and ‘accepted’ theory.

 Critique and understand content from the birth of gaming until modern gen.

 Project manage your own work as a developer.

 Emulate real tasks in development and design.

GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

Why Learn This?

 It’s not all about “playing”, it’s about understanding design, theory, and playing.

 Learn to work within constraints:

 Time Constraints - 13 (?) weeks till submission deadline.

 Technical Constraints - System Details – university or personal system constraints.
 Artistic Constraints - sticking with an idea that is completely your own, but is coherent.

 Learn attention to detail, simple project planning, playtesting (within reason)

 Transferable Critique skills and analysis methodology – not just “the graphics got better…”

 Learn the shortcuts of discipline in the life of an ‘indie developer’ or ‘content creator’..
GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

What I Expect From You

 Good attendance… please!

 Positive questions, anecdotes and insight I may miss.

 Expert Views – you may know something I don’t! Please add to session if you know something I don’t!

 ‘Muted phones’, exceptions will be given for emergencies etc. – only applies for f2f labs

 Be on time – if you are going to be late, please contact me and state how long.

 A decent quality of academic writing (I do a session on this later on into the term)

 Standard etiquette for speech/ presenting.

 Be cool to one another

GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

What You Expect From Me  42

 Good attendance… I will be on time

 Good content, I may throw in new things that aren't mentioned on the presentation

 The number 42 in each presentation!

 Prompt replies to any emails (within 3 days!)

 A decent quality of academic writing (we have to give coherent feedback!)

 Standard etiquette for speech/ presenting from me – I’ll try not to F-Bomb too much!

 Regular content updates on Canvas and Email – Keep an eye on your inbox!

 Plenty of random internet and film quotes because reasons

GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

The Module Descriptors – What

this module attempts to emulate
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to...

1 understand the key concepts of computer games as a medium and as an industry;

describe the design and production processes and technologies of such systems;
compare and contrast the features of different game genres.

2 demonstrate the application of the key elements of a computer game;

design and produce an element of an interactive system or video game;
Use a game development tool.

3 Understand the basic concepts of product and project management within a

digital development environment.
GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

The Report
 1000 Words, Based upon the design of the scene and overall arc of the project

 It’s a diary that isn’t a diary… kinda… (more guidance on this in the coming weeks, though
I can do some more on this now if people want?)

 Focusing on Project and art direction

 Topics should include

You can literally use this
 Inspiration and reasoning – the ‘why’ element
section as a guideline for
 References/ research, uses elsewhere… your associated writeup,
 Any physical photography done inline with the project, breaking it down to 200
 In-game screenshots and comparisons to your work words a section; please
 Sketched/ Iterated ideas etc.) don’t go over 1200
words total!
 Worth 50% of overall grade
GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

The Game Level

 5 Minutes worth of Play Time (or More)

 A ‘Standalone Package’ with built lighting and (hopefully) fully working features

 Focusing on Project, Influences, Design, and Direction

 Worth 50% of overall grade

 In either compiled or (hopefully not an) uncompelled state

 To run at current gen technical specification (D1.03 Lab machines) – or just the latest build of Unreal Engine
 (It will be examined on a system with an 8 core cpu, 16gb of ram, and a 4gb gpu)

 The pitfalls of working in Unreal – It is very niche in some areas and can be somewhat unstable.

 The fun of working in an agile development environment! (BuzzWord Bingo)

GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

GAV4002-B – HCCG – University of Bradford - Rob Redman - UB 90024352

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