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By the end of this class, students will be able to:

 use expressions of quantity and compound nouns
to discuss city issues and public services.

Teacher: Alexis Radney

bicycle lane, bicycle stand
What do we call a place where we take the bus? a bus
bus lane, stationbus stop, bus system
bus station,
What do we call a lane that is only for bicycle? a bicycle lane
green space
parking garage, parking space
What do we call a place where we buy books? a bookstore
recycling center, recycling system
subway station, subway stop, subway system
They are compound nouns, or nouns that consist of two or more words.
taxi lane, taxi stand
Some compound nouns are written as one word and otherstraffic
are jam,
written as
traffic light
two separate words. train station, train stop, train system
A. Which speaker says “the biggest problem is parking”? 3
B. Which speaker says “the streets are dark and dangerous”? 1

C. Which speaker says “thereais too much pollution”?2

too much means “more than we want.”

Which things do the speakers think there are too much of? Pollution and cars.
What things do the speakers think there are not enough of?
Police officers, streetlights, and parking.
 Expressions of quantity with count and noncount nouns.
Count nouns have a plural form – usually with -s – because they are Noncount nouns do not have a plural form because they are
considered separate and countable things. impossible to separate and count.
(e.g., a car, two cars, three cars, and so on). (e.g., traffic, but not one traffic, two traffics).

too many too much

too few too little
count noncoun
there are (not) + fewer + there is (not) + less +
noun t noun
more more
enough enough
too many
n’t enough / too few
too much
n’t enough / too little
more / less
more / fewer
n’t enough / too few
In summer, there are too many tourists.
People ride their bikes a lot.
It’s terrible/not bad/OK/pretty good/excellent.
I think it’s better/worse than it used to be.
In my opinion, it’s getting better/worse.
expressions On the positive side, . . . ; On the other hand, . . . ;
The problem is that . . .

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