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By the end of this class, students will be able to:

 use I wish to discuss changes in their lives.

Teacher: Darling Mesa

Make a
Do you think they are friends, strangers, or brothers?
What do you think they are talking about?
They are friends, and Dylan is complaining
about living with his parents.

True or false?
_____Dylan hates living at home.
_____Dylan’s parents are always asking him to
be home early.
_____Dylan thinks his life is difficult.
Harry would like to change jobs and live
_____Dylan is going to move out of his more
house soon.
HARRY: Yeah! It’s sometimes pretty hard to pay the rent.
I’m thinking of finding a new job.
DYLAN: Really? What kind of job would you like?
HARRY: I’m not sure, but I wish I worked somewhere
else. I’m tired of this place. I need to live somewhere
more exciting.
DYLAN: I know what you mean. Hey, maybe we could
move to a different city. We could even be roommates!
HARRY: Yeah. Uhh. Maybe . . .
Wish We use wish when we would like reality to be different.
Dylan’s Dylan’s wishes
I live with my parents. I wish I had my own apartment.
I wish I didn’t live with my parents.
I wish I could, but where else can I get free room and
I can’t move out. board.
My parents won’t stop worrying about I wish they would stop worrying about me.
Life is so difficult. I wish my life weren’t so difficult.
Formula I wish it were easier.

Subject + wish + sub + were/weren’t + (rest)

Subject + wish + sub + past verb + (rest)

Subject + wish + sub + could + base verb + complement

Subject + wish + sub + would + base verb + complement

1. My mother doesn’t like my girlfriend.
I wish she liked my girlfriend.
2. My girlfriend is too short to be a model.
She wishes she were taller. / She wishes she weren’t so short.
3. My classes are really boring.
I wish my classes weren’t so boring. / I wish my classes were more interesting.
4. I’m not on vacation right now.
I wish I were on vacation right now.
5. My family can’t afford a bigger house.
We wish we could afford a bigger house. / I wish my family could afford a bigger house.
6. The neighbors won’t stop making noise.
I wish the neighbors/they would stop making noise.
7. Harry doesn’t like his job.
Harry/He wishes he had another job. / Harry/He wishes he could find another job.

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