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Read a piece of advice and decide what
situation it is about.

The text is about making a first

impression when starting a new job.
1. What are some nonverbal cues (body language, facial expressions) that can help you make a good first
impression on colleagues?
2. How can you overcome a negative first impression at work?
3. Share a story about a time you made a positive (or negative) first impression at work. What did you learn
from the experience?
4. What elements contribute to a positive first impression in the workplace?
5. What strategies do you use to make a positive first impression when starting a new job or meeting new
6. How does dressing appropriately for the workplace contribute to a positive first impression, and what role
does it play in professional environments?
7. Share an experience where your first impression of a colleague or supervisor turned out to be different
over time. What factors influenced the change in perception?
8. How do you balance being authentic with the need to make a positive first impression in a professional
Replace the underlined phrases with the words in the box.
Now, look at the ideas below for making a first impression
at work and discuss if you agree with them.
Watch a video on How to ace your first week in a new job and
say which tip from the previous exercise is mentioned.
(from 00:28)

Being inquisitive is good so don’t be shy about asking a lot
of questions. [01:04]

Watch the video again and write down three more tips that you hear.

1. What other tips about making a good first impression would you add?
2. Is it hard to make a good impression at work?
3. Do you remember your first working day in your current job? How was it?
4. Have you had colleagues who made a negative impression on their first day?
What did they do? Did you change your opinion about them later?
5. How do you introduce yourself to your new team? What might you say to
make a good impression?
Read two self-introductions and discuss which of them is best
and why. Say what is wrong with the other self-introduction.

Possible answer:
Self-introduction B is best because
it has a good structure and
relevant information.
Self-introduction A is not well
structured and contains
inappropriate information about a
previous team.
Look at the topics and decide which of them should not
be included when introducing yourself to your team on
your first day.

Prepare your own

self-introduction and share it.

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