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Beef Production

Tanner Grupe

● Introduction to product
● Overview of shadowing experience
● Product Presentation
● Closing
● Questions
Why I chose Beef Production

Choosing my area of expertise

● Have been around livestock my entire life
○ Always have enjoyed working with them
○ Interested in the science behind Artificial Insemination
Choosing a Research Topic

Wanted to know why people AI-ed over traditional bull breed

● What benefits do both have
● What other available ways are there to spread genetics
through cattle
● What is the cost between both
Real Life Situation (Product)

Calf crop projection

● What mating would work the best
● What would my estimated EPDs show
● How to breed for performance and stature
Shadowing Experiences
Day 1 and 2

Day 1 Day 2
● Sorted Cattle ● Sorted cattle
● Hauled bulls home ● Hauled bred heifers home
● Shots ● Shots and preg checked
● Group small and big ● Talked about the different
● Talked about feed for both bulls used and why
Raml Cattle
Fredrickson Ranch
Annual Production Sales
Raml Cattle Production Sale Goodwin South Dakota
Fredrickson Ranch Production Sale Spearfish South Dakota

● My thoughts on shadowing experience

○ Learned a lot
○ Worked a lot of cattle
■ Will be pursuing this as a career
What I’ve Learned

● More in depth about beef production

● The importance and reason why we AI
● How to make projections
● How to determine what to breed to and what to look for
My Future Plans

● Plan to attend LATC for Livestock Production and

○ On a full ride scholarship from the Cattlemen Association
of South Dakota
● After college plans are to move to Spearfish SD
Thank You!

● Adam and Grant Raml

● Nate Frederickson
● Ross Potter
● Mr. Adam Rudebusch
● Dan and Paula Grupe

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