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W Cpenlng hours vary aL each cenLre

W noLlces are dlsplayed ln Lhe Llbrary

W Cr vlslL our web slLe hLLp//learnlngLhemanchesLercollegeacuk/lrc
W 1hese openlng hours refer Lo Lerm Llme only vacaLlon Llmes wlll be
dlsplayed locally
W LudenL lu cards are lssued ln Lhe Llbrary
W ?ou wlll need your sLudenL card Lo [oln Lhe Llbrary
W ?our card wlll Lhen be used Lo borrow lLems or use a
W 8efore your lu card can be lssued you are requlred Lo
slgn Lhe college compuLer AccepLable use ollcy
ked Iragg|e
8us|ness Stud|es
Student 99999999
W 1he college accepLable use pollcy helps Lhe college Lo remaln a safe and harmonlous place aL all Llmes
W ?ou are noL allowed Lo
uownload lllegal sofLware or muslc flles
uamage compuLers compuLer sysLems or compuLer neLworks
use oLhers' passwords or accounLs
lay onllne games oLher Lhan Lhose creaLed for learnlng purposes
?ou can see Lhe full pollcy on Lhe L8C web slLe
W AlLhough Lhe llbrary ls a sLudy area nolse levels ofLen lncrease wlLh
Lhe use of compuLers and sLudenLs worklng LogeLher on pro[ecLs
W lf you prefer Lo sLudy ln a quleLer envlronmenL several of Lhe L8Cs
offer access Lo a quleL sLudy area
W 1hls may Lake Lhe form of an area seL aslde wlLhln Lhe llbrary or a
deslgnaLed room
W Where Lhere ls a quleL sLudy room please ask aL Lhe llbrary desk lf
you wlsh Lo use lL
W Course relaLed books
W Lbooks
W llcLlon/Culck 8eads/8lographles
W ulcLlonarles
W newspapers/[ournals/magazlnes
W uvus Cus
W CompuLers
W rlnLlng/phoLocopylng
W Cnllne resources
,edla producLlon equlpmenL ls avallable from Lhe L8Cs Lo help you wlLh coursework
presenLaLlons and oLher acLlvlLles llnked Lo your course
ur tutr w||| need t b the equ|pment ut fr yu 1he equ|pment
can be brrwed fr up t ne wee
1he equlpmenL avallable lncludes
W vldeo cameras
W ulglLal sLllls cameras
W ulcLaphones
Lach L8C now has a mulLlmedla C avallable Lo book
?ou can use Lhls Lo edlL vldeo and lmages so you can make your own shorL
fllms or manlpulaLe phoLographs you have Laken 1here are also faclllLles Lo
allow you Lo save your work onLo a uvu or Cu
cannlng sofLware ls also avallable on Lhe C
lull lnsLrucLlons on how Lo use Lhe equlpmenL and Lhe sofLware are
W ,axlmum number of loans 8
W normal loan perlod 21 days
W horL loan perlod 7 days
W 8enewals
AL any campus Llbrary
8y phone
W lf lLems are overdue you wlll noL be able Lo renew onllne 8lng any of Lhe
campus L8Cs Lo renew lLems over Lhe phone
W 8eservaLlons Avallable ln Lhe Llbrary or onllne
W lnLerllbrary loans 8equesL vla Lhe Llbrary desk
W We do noL charge for reservaLlons/lnLerllbrary loans
W ?ou wlll be lnformed of lLems on hold vla
8eservaLlons board
lease leL us know whlch meLhod you prefer
W llnes for overdue lLems
3p per day for 21 day loans
10p per day for 7 day loans
We wlll emall you a remlnder a few days before your loans
are due back
lf Lhey are noL reLurned or renewed you wlll Lhen sLarL Lo
recelve emalled overdue remlnders
?ou wlll be charged Lhe replacemenL cosL of any losL
damaged or unreLurned lLems on your accounL
1he Llbrary uses a compuLer booklng sysLem called ,yC
W 1lme can be exLended on requesL lf Lhe compuLer ls avallable
W 2 hour maxlmum advanced booklng
W AuLomaLlc log off aL Lhe end of your Llmed sesslon
W 3 logoff sysLem warnlngs durlng Lhe lasL 10 mlnuLes
W Warnlng! ave your work regularly
W Cnce Lhe sysLem logs you off you wlll lose any unsaved work
W || cmputers are mn|tred fr m|suse and can be shut dwn remte|y
The computer
screen will show
if it is available or
1here ls an lcon aL
Lhe boLLom of Lhe
screen lndlcaLlng
how much Llme you
have lefL
W rlnLlng
no personal prlnLlng
1 copy of course work
8lack whlLe prlnLlng ls free
1here wlll be a charge for colour prlnLlng
,axlmum 10 pages from Lhe lnLerneL
W lf you are unsure please speak Lo a member of sLaff before prlnLlng
W hoLocopylng
A 1 card can be boughL from Lhe Llbrary desk
riting pads
Pens & pencils
DVDs, CDs & USB drives
ink on the college web site to the Virtual #C
pen the
catalogue link
Choose the first
og into your
account to place
reservations or
renew items
Search for resources
by title/author,
keyword or subject
W Lbooks
W LlecLronlc [ournals
L8CChosL research daLabases
Cale daLabases
LlecLronlc !ournals servlce
W lus many oLher sub[ecL relaLed daLabases and llnks Lo useful
web slLes
W Cnllne sub[ecL guldes
W Llnks Lo many sub[ecL areas
W ConsLanLly updaLed
W use lL Lo flnd
8ooks/ebooks ln your area
Llnks Lo useful daLabases
Llnks Lo relevanL web slLes
ub[ecL [ournals
vlslLlng ,,u Llbrary
uslng ,,u Llbrary's elecLronlc resources remoLely
ou will find a link to MMU in the
relevant subject guides
W 8esources LhaL focus on Lhe core sLudy skllls you wlll need for
success on your course
Parvard referenclng
LvaluaLlng web slLes
Clvlng presenLaLlons
CreaLlng quesLlonnalres
W kllls4sLudyCA,u
Access ls only avallable vla ALhens
8eadlng and noLe Laklng
CrlLlcal Lhlnklng
WrlLlng skllls
8eferenclng and laglarlsm
Access Lo subscrlpLlon based daLabases from home
,osL of Lhese daLabases are avallable ln college wlLhouL ALhens
?ou wlll need an emall address Lo apply
W Apply ln college
Access Lo your accounL lmmedlaLely
ee lnformaLlon on Lhe web slLe or a member of sLaff for furLher deLalls
W Apply from home
Lmall your requesL for an ALhens accounL Lo
W lrc[LhemanchesLercollegeacuk
W lease lnclude your name and sLudenL lu number ln your requesL
Access normally wlLhln 24 hours
Llnk Lo ,oodle from Lhe Llbrary web slLe
W Ask your LuLor lf Lhere ls a ,oodle area for your course
W Logln uslng your neLwork username and password
W earch for your course and enrol on lL
W ?ou may need an enrolmenL key your LuLor wlll Lell you whaL Lhls ls
W All enrolled sLudenLs wlll have a college emall address
W 1hls emall accounL wlll be college's maln means of communlcaLlon
W 1here ls a llnk Lo Lhe sLudenL emall from Lhe vlrLual L8C
W 1o log lnLo your accounL
username sLudenL number
assword uaLe of blrLh ddmmyyyy
W ?our emall address ls ln Lhe followlng formaL
W lease
Conslder oLher L8C users
keep nolse Lo a mlnlmum
eL your moblle Lo vlbraLe and Lake calls ouLslde
8oLLled waLer allowed
W no food or oLher drlnks
W Ask lf you need help flndlng or uslng any of
our resources

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