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Simple and

Compound Sentences
Simple Sentence
01 It expresses a complete idea.

02 It has one subject and one predicate.

Simple Sentences
• I kicked the ball.
• The dog chased the ball.
• She wrote a beautiful poem.
• The professor did not like it.
• They built a sandcastle on the beach.
• They built a car.
Compound Sentence
It contains two simple sentences joined by a
comma and a word such as and, but, or or.

02 It has two subjects and two predicates.

The two simple sentences have ideas that
make sense together.
Compound Sentences
• I kicked the ball, and the dog chased the ball.

• She wrote a beautiful poem, but the professor did not like


• They built a sandcastle on the beach, or they built a car.

Can You identify it?
Identify each sentence as Simple or Compound.

The dog chased the cat. The chef prepared a delicious meal.

She wrote a letter, and she sent it to her mom. She wants a puppy, or she prefers a kitten.

They built a tall tower out of blocks. Laura will study those words every day.

The students completed their assignments, but My aunt came to my party, and she gave me a
they did not have extra recess. present.

Olman will travel to Spain, and he will see

Do you want coke, or do you prefer juice?
Can You Do It?
Form Compound Sentences joining the given Simple
I bought a present to her. I could not go to her party.

Sofía make her bed. She cleaned all her bedroom.

Do you like to eat apples? Do you prefer eating tangerines?

We pay attention in class. We try to use English in all our classes.

The teacher cannot understand his

Raúl wrote the directions on the notebook.
Thank you for
attentive listening
Mrs. Corrales & Ms. Calderón

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