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range of legislation aimed at conservation,
management, ang sustainable use of forest
• Philippine Forestry Code (Presideantial Decree No. 705)
-This comprehensive law governs the conservation and
management of forest resources.

National Integrated Protected Areas System (Republic Act

No. 7586)
-This laws establishes the NIPAS to conserve and protect
biodiversity-rich areas in the pgilippines. it provides for the
establishment and management of protected areas, such as
national parks, wildlife santuaries, and marine reserves.
• Envronmental Impact Assessment System (Presidential
Decree No. 1586)
• -This law requires the conduct of environmental impact
assessment (EIAs) for projects, including those involving
forest land conversion or development. EIAs help evaluate
potential environmental impacts and ensure sustainable
resource management.
• Indigenous People’s Rights Act (Republic Act No. 8371)
-This laws recognizes and protects the rights of IPs to their
ancestral domains, which often include forested areas. It
mandates the issuance of certificate of Ancestral Domain Titles
(CADTs) to IPs communities and ensures their participation in
forest management decisions.
• Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) Program
-This program promotes participatory forest management
by empowering local communities to manage and benefit
from forest resources sustainably. It encourages the
establishment of CBFMAs between communities and the
• Illegal Logging and Anti-Illegal Logging Task Force
(Executive Order No. 23)
-This executive order declares a moratorium on the cutting
and harvesting of timber in natural and residual forests.

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