Grade 8 Theme - Action and Protest

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Егембердиева Айнур Килишбеккызы

З.Космодемьянская атындағы
№ 23 мектеп-лицей
Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
• Grade 8
• Term 4
Unit 8 Food and drink
• Lesson 1
• Theme of the lesson: Action and
Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

 Pronounce and name words to do with action and protest.

 Recognize and use will, won't, might and might not to make predictions.

Most learners will be able to:

 Do a questionnaire on attitudes to taking action.

Some learners will be able to:

 Express certainty and possibility fluently.

Warm up.
Start thinking . Answer the questions.

• 1. Is there a problem with food waste in

your country?
• 2. What is a food bank?
• 3. What problem does farming cause?
Food waste
Let's watch the video

Ex 1. p.92 SB
Complete the table with the words in blue in
the plan of action questionnaire. Then do the
e.g. publicize –publicity
• Ex 3.p.93(SB)
• Complete the key phrases with the words
given below.
help, about, thing,could, don’t, idea, think,
e.g. Let’s organize a meeting.
That’s not a bad idea.
• Read the text p.94SB
• ex 2. p.94 sb

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