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Sub-Topic (Example: name of college)

⮚ Do you know what bridges do? They connect places. Without them,
places may end up being separated from each other.

⮚ Now that’s what prepositions do too. They are the connecting words in
sentences. What do they connect?

⮚ Nouns/pronouns/phrases to other words in a sentence.

⮚ A preposition shows where, when or how the action took place in a
sentence. Let’s see a few examples because what explains better than an

❖ The glass is on the table.

❖ Roland is very fond of ice-cream.
❖ The mouse jumped off the table.
As you can see in the above examples, Prepositions usually show the
relationship between the noun, pronouns and other words. Answering
questions about where, when and how? Now the Prepositions are multi-
faceted. One can use them in different situations.
Kinds of Prepositions:
Question 1
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
Most people like basketball, but ____ my opinion it’s too chaotic.

A) of
B) from
C) in
D) with
Question 2
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
Are you travelling to Paris ____ business or ____ holiday?

A) for
B) on
C) to
D) in
Question 3
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
Have you read the article _____ Time magazine ____ Google?

A) on - on
B) to - on
C) in - on
D) from - on
Question 4
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
What’s that book _____?

A) about
B) to
C) from
D) of
Question 5
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
I stayed ____ the Ritz Hotel ________ my stay in New York.

A) in - to
B) to - while
C) at - while
D) at - during
Question 6
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
I looked this word ____ in the dictionary, but I still don’t understand it.

A) from
B) on
C) up
D) answer over
Question 7
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
We need some sugar. We’re almost completely ____ it.

A) out
B) out of
C) over
D) through
Question 8
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
Luckily, I made it to the station ___ time to catch the last train.

A) in
B) for
C) at
D) to
Question 9
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
My house is ___ the end of the street ___ the right.

A) in - on
B) at - in
C) in - at
D) at - on
Question 10
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
The bank doesn’t open _____ 10 a.m.

A) for
B) until
C) still
D) just
Question 11
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
Are you ___ or ___ the President?

A) pro - con
B) for - against
C) proto - contra
D) with - against
Question 12
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
Were you ____ time for your appointment? Or were you late?

A) to
B) on
C) at
D) of
Question 13
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
Throw the ball ___ Jack, please.

A) next
B) beneath
C) to
D) against
Question 14
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
I got ____ home late last night.

A) to
B) at
C) in
D) (no preposition)
Question 15
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
Please talk __ the manager and don’t shout __ me!

A) to - to
B) at - to
C) to - at
D) with - to
Question 16
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
You can start the computer ___ pressing that button.

A) with
B) to
C) by
D) from
Question 17
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
She was born ____ Italy ___ February 15, 1954.

A) in - in
B) in - to
C) in - on
D) to - in
Question 18
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
He was born ___ Germany ___ April.

A) in - to
B) on - in
C) in - in
D) in - at
Question 19
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
Be careful! You’re going to set the paper ___ fire!

A) to
B) on
C) in
D) with
Question 20
Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.
I need to learn these verbs ___ heart ___ tomorrow.

A) by - on
B) by - to
C) from - by
D) by - by

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