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The Best Of Both Worlds


What is an idiom?

Idiom n. - Words and phrases

that are not meant to be taken
Crocodile Tears

Tears that you cry when you’re

really not sad or sorry

Karen shed crocodile tears

when her mom said she couldn’t
have any ice cream.
Cat got your tongue?

When a person has nothing

to say in response.

“Do you want to explain why

your failing math or has the cat
got your tongue?”
Raining cats and dogs

Raining really hard

In the middle of our picnic it

started raining like cats and dogs
soaking everything.
Fighting like cats and
Two people who constantly yell
and argue with each other.

My sister and I used to

fight like cats and dogs
when we were kids.
When pigs fly

Absolutely not happening!

I asked my dad when I can drive

the Mustang, he said “When pigs
Frog in your throat

Unable to speak due to a dry


When I tried asking her out, it

was like I had a frog in my
Black sheep of the
One who has different views and
morals from the rest of the family Black sheep

“Why is your brother doing that”

“Because he’s the black sheep in
our family.”
Lipstick on a pig

An attempt to make something

ugly look good

“Why does Ben think that if he paints

his ugly, old, rusty car, that girls will
like him? If you put lipstick on a pig,
it’s still a a pig.”

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