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Understanding result and its

retorical pattern an academic


By group A :
2 . I R VA N A L D YA N P U T R A
5 . R A H M AT J U L I A D I
A. Definition / Concept Of Result

(Jos & Ammon, 2022) The

The concept of Results in an
results (or findings) section is
academic paper refers to the
one of the most important parts
part where the researcher
of a research paper, in which an
presents the findings and
author reports the findings of
empirical data from his
their study in connection to
their research question.
According to several experts:
- Robert A. Day dan Barbara Gastel (2012): The Results section presents the findings of your study. It
usually begins with a description of any participants and then describes the data collected during the
study, such as the results of an experiment or the details of a survey.
- William Strunk Jr. dan E.B. White (2000): In the Results section, the author must lay out clearly and
logically the findings obtained in the course of the research. This section should be devoid of
interpretation, as its purpose is to present the data gathered and the patterns observed.
- Jonathan Corbin dan Nicole Westmarland (2018): The Results section is where researchers detail the
outcome of their study, presenting data collected and analyzed to address the research question. It
should be presented in a clear and organized manner, allowing readers to understand the
implications of the findings.
- Margaret Cargill dan Patrick O'Connor (2009): The Results section provides a comprehensive
account of the data collected during the study, presented in a manner that is systematic and
understandable. This section serves to demonstrate the validity of the research findings and their
significance within the broader academic discourse.
1. Presenting Data and Findings
2. Validating or Rejecting
B. Purpose 3. Supporting Conclusions
of a Results
4. Facilitating Reproducibility
5. Context for Discussion

6. Contribution to Knowledge
C. Differences Between Results Section and
Discussion Section

1. Nature of 3.
2. Focus 4. Structure
Content Interpretation
1. begin with an introduction to connect the
results with the research question(s).

D. How is a 2. present your findings in a structured way

Results/Findings (such as thematically or chronologically),
Section bringing the readers’ attention to any
important, interesting, or significant findings.
3. the results section should include a closing
paragraph that clearly summarizes the key
findings of the study.
Do write with an academic, impartial, objective
1 tone to increase credibility as a scholar.

E. Do and 2 Do provide clear topic sentences that connect

your findings to your research question.
Don’t In
Result 3 Do take time to establish key findings in
connection to your research question.
Do include any negative findings, as failing to
4 do so would hurt your credibility as a scholar.
5 Do include statistical significance tests if applicable.

Don’t attempt to discuss, interpret or analyze your findings

6 within the results section.

Don’t use vague terms or generalizations when presenting

7 your findings, always be specific.

Extra Don’t present raw data that can be summarized or presented

8 visually.

Don’t present the same data multiple times, but decide on

9 one format to best convey it.

Don’t present data that is not relevant to your research

10 question(s).
a. Sample of Qualitative Results Section with
• “In our qualitative study, we found that participants expressed a
range of emotions when discussing their experiences with
technology. These emotions were categorized into three main
F. The themes: excitement, frustration, and indifference. The data
illustrations in Figures 1 and 2 provide a visual representation of
the frequency of these emotions. These findings highlight the
Example of importance of understanding the emotional experiences of users
when designing and implementing technology.”

Result b. Sample of Quantitative Results Section with


Section • “In our study, we found that the majority of snakebite reports were
reported from health care facilities (4607, 85.9%). This is in
contrast to private residences (671, 12.6%). The distribution of
number of cases per county and incidence (number of cases per 1
million residents) is shown in Figures 1 and 2. These findings
highlight the importance of healthcare facilities in reporting
snakebites and the need for increased awareness and prevention
measures in private residences.”
Thank You

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