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The Qing Dynasty

Photo courtesy of ( - granted under creative commons licence - attribution

Learning Objective
To understand how dynasties have ruled China over the course of history.

Success Criteria
• To know what a dynasty is.
• To compare Chinese and British history.
• To assess the position of the Qing in Chinese Imperial history.
Word Association
This unit is all about the last imperial Chinese dynasty, the
Qing. (Pronounced Ch’ing).

Start by making a list of five key words that you associate

with China.

Talk to a partner and see

if you can agree on five
key words that you China
think would be
important in this unit.
The history of China is a long and glorious one. It can be measured in dynasties. A
dynasty is a family group of rulers.

The Qing dynasty were the last of the imperial

dynasties. These are dynasties that are ruled my
emperors and empresses.

As we will see, the dynasties of China may reach

as far back as 2070 BCE.

Make a note of the definition of dynasty on your

Dynasties Activity Sheet.
Comparing Histories
In order to understand a new branch of history, it is often useful to compare
important dates with ones that we are more familiar with.

In groups, read through your Dynasties Timeline Cards and put them in order.

Order the cards into two

chronological timelines.
You should notice that the timelines
roughly match with each other.

When you have lined the timelines up

side-by-side, answer the questions on your Dynasties
Activity Sheet.
British Dynasties
Sometimes we measure periods of British history in something similar to the
Chinese dynasties. We talk about the Tudor period, or the Stuart period for example.
These periods are named after groups of related monarchs, like Henry, Edward,
Mary and Elizabeth Tudor.

Why do we not measure British dynasties?

Is this a useful way to measure time?
Where Do the Qing Fit In?
The Qing dynasty are important because they were the last imperial dynasty in
Chinese history. China is no longer ruled by an emperor, but a political party. The
story of the Qing is one that shows how China has changed from a traditional
empire to a modern nation.
Study the two maps shown here. What can we infer
about the Qing dynasty by comparing the two?
Any Questions?
Now we have been introduced to the Qing dynasty, think of three questions you
would like to know the answer to in future lessons.

Record these on your Dynasties

Activity Sheet.

Hopefully they will be answered

over the next few lessons.
Photo courtesy of ( - granted under creative commons licence - attribution

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