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Informal Communication

Presented by: Ms. Tayyaba Tabeer

• Informal communication, which includes small
talk, networking, and conversational skills,
plays a crucial role in building relationships,
creating a positive atmosphere, and fostering
a sense of connection.
Small Talk:

• Initiate with a Greeting:

– Start with a simple "Hello" or "Hi" to break the ice.
• Find Common Ground:
– Identify shared interests, experiences, or observations to establish a connection.
• Ask Open-Ended Questions:
– Encourage conversation by asking questions that require more than a yes/no
• Active Listening:
– Pay close attention to what the other person is saying, and show genuine
• Body Language:
– Maintain eye contact, use open and positive body language, and smile to convey
• Be Mindful of Topics:
– Steer clear of controversial topics and focus on neutral, light-hearted subjects
• In an informal context, networking refers to the
process of connecting with people in a casual and
social manner with the intention of building
relationships, sharing information, and
potentially gaining mutual benefits. Unlike formal
networking events or professional settings,
informal networking can occur in various relaxed
environments, such as social gatherings,
community events, or even casual meet-ups.
• Here are some characteristics of informal networking:
• Casual Atmosphere:
– Informal networking takes place in relaxed settings, where
people can interact without the pressure of formalities.
• Personal Connections:
– The focus is on creating personal connections and getting
to know individuals on a more human level.
• Shared Interests:
– Networking informally often involves finding common
interests, hobbies, or experiences that can form the basis
of a connection.
• Spontaneity:
– Unlike structured networking events, informal networking can
happen spontaneously in everyday situations.
• Friendship Building:
– The goal may be to build friendships or connections that go
beyond strictly professional relationships.
• Mutual Support:
– Informal networking allows for the exchange of advice, support,
and resources among individuals who share common interests.
• Less Focus on Business:
– While professional opportunities may arise, the emphasis in
informal networking is not solely on business-related matters.
• Examples of informal networking situations include
meeting someone new at a party, connecting with
neighbors, or striking up a conversation with someone
while waiting in line. The key is to be open,
approachable, and genuine in your interactions,
allowing relationships to develop naturally over time.
Informal networking can be a valuable way to expand
your social circle, gain insights, and discover
unexpected opportunities.
Conversational Skills:

• Clarity and Conciseness:

– Express your thoughts clearly and concisely. Avoid unnecessary jargon.
• Tone and Pitch:
– Pay attention to your tone of voice and pitch. A friendly and modulated voice can make
conversations more engaging.
• Be Positive:
– Focus on positive aspects in conversations. Positivity tends to create a more enjoyable
• Adaptability:
– Be adaptable to different conversational styles and topics. Flexibility is key in various
social situations.
• Humor:
– Use humor appropriately to lighten the mood, but be mindful of the context and
• Remember, building strong relationships often begins with informal communication. Practice
these skills regularly to become more comfortable and effective in various social and
professional settings.

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