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Business Intelligence

(BI) in Banking

Group Members:

1. Aarya Patil (21CO310)

2. Arpit Zambare (21CO316)
3. Babalu Shinde. (20CO121)

4. Sanket Shevare. (21CO313)

Fraud Detection and Prevention
1 Data Analytics
BI tools leverage advanced analytics to identify anomalies and patterns in
transaction data, enabling early detection of fraudulent activities.

2 Predictive Modeling
Predictive models trained on historical data can predict the likelihood of future
fraud, allowing banks to proactively implement prevention strategies.

3 Real-Time Monitoring
BI systems can continuously monitor transactions in real-time, triggering immediate
alerts and interventions to mitigate fraud risks.
Customer Segmentation and
Targeted Offerings Improved Engagement Cross-Selling
BI enables banks to segment Personalized interactions and
customers based on their tailored communications can Customer insights from BI
demographics, behaviors, enhance customer can help identify cross-
and preferences, allowing for satisfaction, loyalty, and selling opportunities, leading
the creation of personalized overall engagement with the to increased revenue and a
products and services. bank. stronger customer
Predictive Analytics for Risk
Credit Risk Modeling Market Risk Monitoring
BI-powered predictive models can forecast Predictive analytics can help banks anticipate
the likelihood of loan defaults, enabling and mitigate market risks, such as changes in
banks to make more informed lending interest rates, exchange rates, and asset
decisions and manage credit risk effectively. prices.

Operational Risk Mitigation Regulatory Compliance

BI can identify patterns and trends in Predictive analytics can assist banks in
operational data, allowing banks to meeting regulatory requirements and
proactively address potential risks, such as ensuring the integrity of their financial
cybersecurity threats and internal control reporting and risk management practices.
Operational Efficiency and Cost
Process Automation Cost Optimization Informed Decision
BI can help banks identify and Data-driven insights from BI
streamline inefficient can help banks reduce costs, BI provides banks with real-
processes, enabling workflow optimize resource allocation, time data and analytics,
automation and improved and enhance their overall empowering them to make
operational efficiency. financial performance. more informed, data-driven
decisions that drive
operational excellence.
Personalized Wealth Management and
Investment Strategies
Customer Profiling
BI-powered customer segmentation and profiling enables banks to understand their
clients' unique financial goals, risk appetites, and investment preferences.

Portfolio Optimization
Predictive analytics can help banks construct optimal investment portfolios tailored to
individual client needs, maximizing returns and minimizing risks.

Personalized Recommendations
BI-driven insights can provide clients with personalized investment recommendations
and guidance, enhancing their overall wealth management experience.
Regulatory Compliance and Reporting
Data Governance BI helps banks maintain robust data
management practices, ensuring data integrity,
security, and compliance with regulatory

Risk Reporting BI-powered risk analytics and reporting

enable banks to meet regulatory requirements,
such as capital adequacy and liquidity ratios.

Regulatory Compliance BI can streamline regulatory reporting

processes, reducing the time and resources
required to comply with evolving financial

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