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Social and healthcare issue
Topic name:
Flood effects agriculture
Project members name:
G.Bala guru
Flood warning :
Flood warning are the issued if
widespread is expected across a
large region or if flooding is
imminent or actively taking place
Typical flood warning system
• As discussed above,there are a
number of way to configure an
automated flood warning system,
by the needs of one system can
differ widely from another.
Cite this work:
• Fiondriest environomental ,Inc.
“Flood warning system”
• Fundamental of environmental
Monitoring location:
• As montioned before ,the ideal
placement for a flood warning
gage will deport largely on the
site considering of the water way
where it is located.
Flood witchy:
• Flood watches are issued when
conditions suggest a possibility
of flooding is anticipated
within 12-48 hours.
Quality assurance
• To maintain accuracy and keep
equipment functioning within
specification ,best practice
recommends cleaaning.
Data management:
• A major part of any monitoring
project is collecting and
accesing the data.
What is monitoring matters
• While some area more prope to
flooding than others,the
establishment of flood warning
system near any major waterway or
body of water provide critical
information that can protect
property and save lives.
Flood statements:
• Flood statements are issued when
flood is expected along major
streams where people and
property are not threatened. They
may also be issued as an update to
previous warning and watch alerts.
A real- time solution:
• An effective flood warning
system should be based on the
regular collection of local
rainfall, stream level, and
streamflow data.
Information dissimination:
• Automated flood warning system
may utilize radio, cellular, or
satellite telemetry to
communicate with a host
computer or network but alert
systems specifically operate using
radio frequencies.
Site considerations:
• The monitoring location should have
access to a bridge or overhead structure
for securely mounting the rader sensor.
• If using telemetry determine whether
there is suffcient cellular coverage to get
a signal at the site . If not , satellite
telemetry will likely be required.
What is telemetry?
• Telemetry provides access to data in real
time . ALERT transmits wireless
communications via radio frequencies ,
but cellular and satellite – based options
are also available .
Alert gages:
• There are a wide variety of automated
stream gages that can transmit stream
level data vai telemetry , but gages
developed according to the NWS ALERT
protocol are amoung the most common
and will be the focus of this guide .
Data processing:
• The software used to collect and process
data from ALERT gages will vary based on
the user’s needs and preferences . Many
ALERT gages manufactures offer their
own proprietary software to view data
remotely , whether in a graphical or text
Why is it important to have a
flood alarm?
• Having a water leak alarm
helps you avoid an extensive
damage that can happens to
any home as a result of
Benefits of flood monitoring :
• Because of the devastation effects
that flood can have on people and
their environment flood
monitoring system have been
developed to help prepare and
warn people of emanating danger.
Flood impacts:
• Flood have threatened communities for
as long as civilization itself has existed.
• They cause loss of itself, destroy
structures and property, inundate
agriculture fields , and spread disease.
Flood affects different countries:
• In china 1933 the record rainfall and flood
killed hundreds of people through of people
through drawing, famine, and disease.
• In USA 1993 flooding along the mississippi and
missouri rivers inundated 15 million people.
• In Europe 2016 heavy rains and floods
impacted cities througout France , Germoney ,
Austria and Romania .
Flood by more money are considered
• Texas 2017 Hurricone heavy destroyed
over 200,000 buildings and caused over
125 billion in damage in a torrential
• Midland , Michigan 2020 two dam
failures released by flood that damaged
2,500 buildings and caused over
200,000,000 in damage.
• To save the agricultural and the farmer’s
• To avoid the water to save the plants by
the alarm and it rings means we will alert
to save our self as well the plants.
• Use a cardboard and make trees and
make a model of a village . There is a sea
and use the alarm to slet the water
comes the alarm will start to ring and the
whether change means also the alarm
• The alarm is ring to save the village ,
the people and the agricultural . So
you can easily escape from the place.
Thank you

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