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What is Tourism?
Tourism is the travel for recreational(fun), leisure(rest), Family
or business purposes, usually of a limited duration.

Domestic tourism is tourism involving residents of one country travelling only
within that country

Incoming tourism is also known as “inbound tourism”. Incoming tourism means
travellers arriving in different countries from their own

Outbound tourism refers to residents to travel outside their home country
What is Tourism? 4

Tourism is the travel for recreational(fun), leisure(rest), Family

or business purposes, usually of a limited duration.
What is Tourism? 5

Tourism is the travel for recreational(fun), leisure(rest), Family

or business purposes, usually of a limited duration.
What is Tourism? 6

Tourism is the travel for recreational(fun), leisure(rest), Family

or business purposes, usually of a limited duration.

• Sentence structure

• Sentence structure refers to the way that words are arranged to

form a complete and meaningful sentence. In English,
sentences typically consist of a subject, verb, and object
Presentation title 8

• Present verb forms

• In the present simple verb tense, the base form of a verb is

typically used to indicate present time.

• For example, "the cat catches the mouse" and "the cat catches
the mice."
Presentation title 9

• How to use to be in English:

• To be is a verb that is used to indicate the state or condition of something

or someone. In English, the verb to be has several forms: am, is, are, was,
were, will be, and has/have been. The form of the verb to be that is used
depends on the subject of the sentence and the tense of the verb.

• For example, "I am happy."

Presentation title 10

• Model verb:

• A model verb, also known as an auxiliary verb or helping verb, is

a verb that is used together with the main verb of a sentence to
indicate tense, mood, or voice. In English, the most common
model verbs are "be," "do," and "have."
Presentation title 11

• Uncountable noun:
• An uncountable noun is a type of noun that refers to
something that cannot be counted or measured using
• Examples of uncountable nouns include things like
water, air, and sand.
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• Preposition:
• A preposition is a word that is used to link nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other
words in a sentence. Prepositions are typically used to show the relationship between
the noun or pronoun and the other word in the sentence, such as the place where
something is located, the time when something happens, or the way in which
something is done. Some common prepositions include words like "in," "on," "at,"
"by," "with," "to," and "from."

• For example "The book is on the table,"

Presentation title 13

• Future tense
• The future tense is a verb tense that is used to talk about
actions or events that will happen in the future. In English, the
future tense is typically formed by using the auxiliary verb "will"
or "shall" followed by the base form of the main verb. For
example, "I will go to the store" or "She shall arrive tomorrow."
Presentation title 14

• How to use must:

• The word "must" is used to indicate a strong obligation or
requirement. It is often used to indicate that something is
necessary or very important.
• For example, you might say "I must finish my homework before
dinner" to indicate that it is necessary for you to complete your
homework before dinner time.
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• Adjective:
• An adjective is a word that is used to modify a noun or pronoun.
Adjectives are used to describe the qualities or characteristics of
the noun or pronoun that they are modifying.
• For example, you might say "the tall building" or "the red apple"
to describe the nouns "building" and "apple" using the
adjectives "tall" and "red."
Presentation title 16

• Have:
• The word "have" is a common English verb that has a number of
different uses and forms. In its base form, "have" is used as an
auxiliary verb to form the present perfect and past perfect verb
• For example, "I have eaten" (present perfect) or "I had eaten"
(past perfect).
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• Adverb:
• An adverb is a word that is used to modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb.
Adverbs are used to describe the action or quality that is being expressed by the
verb, adjective, or adverb that they are modifying. They provide additional
information about how, when, where, or why something is happening.

• For example, in the sentence "She sings beautifully," the adverb "beautifully" is used
to modify the verb "sings" and describes how she sings.
Presentation title 18

Grammar is made up of lots of little rules that work
together to create a language. Since there are so many
rules, you can’t expect to remember everything,
especially not at once. Remember language is always
changing: new words are being created (e.g., google,
selfie), and words are changing meaning (e.g., they,
literally). This kind of change is how these are all from
the same language.

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