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Linking Words

Cause and result

Linking words – Cause and result
Modal verbs


We use linking words to form subordinate clauses which are related.

They can be used to establish a relationship of cause and result.

Linking words – Cause and result

CAUSE – The linking words introduce the reason / cause for

something to happen.


There is a conflict between the two countries

 because + clause
because the water is scarce in the region.

 as / since + clause As / Since the number of vehicles and

(as is usually used at the industries rose, the quality of air
beginning of the sentence) deteriorated.

 because of The Chinese government implemented the

+ noun / phrase one-child policy because of / due to
 due to population growth.
Linking words – Cause and result

RESULT – The linking words indicate that something happened as a

consequence / result of something.


 as a result
The Earth’s resources are limited; as a result /
 that is why
that is why / therefore / for this reason /
 therefore + clause
consequently, we should be concerned about
 for this reason
 consequently
Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

because of
1. Some diseases are almost inexistent _______________ (because
of / therefore) the use of vaccines.

2. Many people immigrate to developed countries;

_______________ (as / consequently), those places become

3. In most developing countries couples have little knowledge about

family planning; _______________ (because / therefore), they
have many children.

due to
4. Pregnancies are safer _______________ (due to / therefore) the
advancements in medical science.
Choose all the correct sentences.

1. People are living longer, healthier lives; that is why the population
is increasing dramatically.

2. People are living longer, healthier lives; because the population is

increasing dramatically.

3. People are living longer, healthier lives; due to the population is

increasing dramatically.

4. People are living longer, healthier lives; therefore the population is

increasing dramatically.

5. People are living longer, healthier lives; consequently the

population is increasing dramatically.

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