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Introduction to Statistics: A brief history

The word statistics has been derived from the Latin word 'Status' or the
Italian word 'Statista' or the German word 'Statistic' or the Greek word
'Statistique'. In early times, the meaning was restricted to information
about states, particularly demographics such as population.
History of Statistics-
• Statistics may be said to have its origin in census counts taken
thousands of years ago; as a distinct scientific discipline, however,
it was developed in the early 19th century as the study of populations, economies, and
moral actions and later in that century as the mathematical tool for analyzing such

• It was introduced into English in 1791 by Sir John Sinclair when he published the first
of 21 volumes titled Statistical Account of Scotland.

• Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher, is known as the father of modern statistics. For his work in
statistics, he has been described as "a genius who almost single-handedly created the
foundations for modern statistical science.
• Hindu texts Vedas contain economic ideas but Atharvaveda is most vocal
about such Ideas.

• Chanakya (born 350 BC) of the Maurya Empire, authored the Arthashastra
along with several Indian sages, a treatise on statecraft, economic policy
and military strategy

• The Arthashastra posits the theory that there are

four necessary fields of knowledge the Vedas,
the Anvikshaki (philosophy of Samkhya, Yoga and
Lokayata), the science of government, and the
science of economics (Varta of agriculture, cattle,
and trade). It is from these four that all other
knowledge, wealth, and human prosperity is derived.
Career In Statistics
In recent years, “Statistics” has came among the one of the
best choices among students to choose as their career.
• Professionals, who use statistics to design, collect and
interpret data in different fields of industries
• Statistics include the field of marketing, economics, biology,
public health, sports, medicines and many others. Statistics
is a branch of Mathematics.
• Statistics can be used in scientific research field such as
economics, medicine, demography, psychology, advertising,
• It is useful to insurance companies, banker, labour unions,
politicians, social workers, trade associations, chambers,
Careers and Jobs
What can you do with a Statistics Degree?
• This career offers great job opportunities in India and also in abroad. The statisticians and their
analytic skills are highly demanded in today’s job market.
• You can use statistics in various fields such as business, industry, agriculture, government,
private, computer science, scientific, health sciences & other
• After completing you study in statistics, you can also apply for the
Civil Services, Indian Statistical Services & Indian
Economic Services exams.
• Those complete the degree, one can opt for finance, analytics, software development,
actuarial science & many more options Job Titles:
• • Statisticians
• • Business Analyst
• • Mathematician
• • Professor
• • Risk Analyst
• • Data Analyst
• • Content Analyst
• • Statistic Trainer
• • Data Scientist
• • Consultant
• • Biostatistician and Econometrician
Importance of statistics
The important functions of statistics are:
• Statistics helps in gathering information
about the appropriate quantitative data.
• It simplifies the data for understanding.
• It helps in designing the effective
and proper planning of the statistical
inquiry in any field.
• It gives valid inferences with the
reliability measures about the
population parameters from the
sample data.
• It helps to understand the variability pattern
through the quantitative observations.
Educational criteria

• To become a statistician one needs to obtain a bachelor's degree in

statistics. For this a person should have passed the 10+2
examination with Mathematics. Statistics can also be taken up in
post-graduation. To be eligible for this one has to be a
mathematics graduate with statistics in at least two semesters.

• You have scored pretty well in your XII but it will not get you a job
straight away, it will definitely help you in getting a good course in
your graduation. It’s recommended that you go for a master’s
degree or Ph.D. which will get you higher-level positions.

• There are some jobs that require a bachelor’s degree with a major
in related field such as economics or natural science and a minor
in statistics. To gain an advantage while seeking employment you
should mix your statistical skills with knowledge in other subjects
such as economics, operational research, computer science,
business administration.
• In industrial research field you are required to have a master’s degree
and several years of experience if you want to do well in this field. You
need to be trained in a high level of specialised training in order to be
well placed in the industry.

• You can choose to do your graduation from DU which is offering

courses in B.Sc. and M.Sc. Statistics. But there are many universities
across India that are offering courses in B.Sc. and M.Sc. Statistics. The
normal time required to finish a normal undergraduate programme is
three years and that of post graduate course is of two years.

• As a statistician you must have good reasoning ability, persistence and

the ability to apply principles to the new types of problems. You
should have a strong mathematical hold as well as logical reasoning.
Flexible, curious and a disciplined mind are a trait of a successful
statistician. Apart from all these personal skills the most important
thing that is required is interest in that particular field and the will to
make it big as a career.
Why to Choose a Career in Statistics?
• If you’re an individual with a mind for mathematics, then there are
several different career options available to you. It’s a fantastic
skill to have, and a formal education of the discipline is sure to
impress any potential employers.

• If you are looking for a career within mathematics or the sciences,

why not become a statistician? The collection of data has been
used for centuries, but in the digital world it seems as though this
process is becoming ever more important. Companies everywhere
are relying on analytics in order to improve their business model,
which has created further opportunities in this particular career.

Not convinced? Read on to discover why choosing a

career in statistics could be the best decision you’ve ever
• Currently, statisticians are in high demand throughout all
industries. Businesses everywhere rely on expert analysts to guide
them through the complications of data collection. To the untrained
eye, it can be difficult to translate this mass of information into a
simpler format.
• However, it is essential that businesses and organizations are able to
understand what all that data means,
as it will be integral in improving
the way they in which they operate.
• They need it to create
effective marketing campaigns,
to develop better software,
to improve their customer service, and
much, much more.
• Although this is a more scientific/mathematics-based career, there are actually job
opportunities within any industry. Even artistic institutes such as theaters and
galleries will need someone to help them manage their data. For example, this could
be identifying the types of shows that are most popular with certain demographics.

• With such a wide range of different fields that could be explored, it certainly means
that a job in statistics won’t be boring. From media-based analytics to medical
research, there are opportunities for everyone. Plus, the skill-set that you will develop
will be transferable to these varying industries.

• While you might not be starring in a play, working as a statistician behind the scenes
in these industries allows you to be part of that world. Not only this, but you will be
playing a valuable role in the development of that particular industry.
• Money isn’t everything, but when it comes to careers it is certainly an important issue for many
people. Whether you like it or not, bills must be paid and mouths must be fed. This doesn’t mean
that everyone would like to buy a mansion, but being able to live comfortably is what the majority
of people hope to achieve.

• Like any job role, salaries for statisticians will vary from place to place. This could also be affected
by whether or not you are focusing on a specialist subject. For example, you might want to be a
biostatistician, therefore, you work will generally focus on healthcare research.

• In any case, the average salary for someone who

works in statistics is around an extremely
comfortable level of $100,000.
Entry-level roles still pay very well,
and there is the opportunity to earn
over $165,000 a year for those who
have mastered their profession.

• There is no denying that a job in this field

of expertise will allow for a high-quality lifestyle.

• Finally, there is the matter of feeling secure in your career

progression. Some jobs might appear to be exciting and full of
opportunities, only to later become less stable. If you have ever
found yourself facing possible redundancy, you will know that this is
an incredibly stressful experience.

• Therefore, it’s good to consider a career that is reliable, in order to

avoid the fear of unemployment. A job in statistics is one of the most
secure jobs in the world. This is due to the fact that these
professionals are in such high demand, and are needed in industries
all over the world

• Everyone looks out for a high-paying job and what makes statistics
stand out of all is that it can join the dots of a problem and give a
solution that is notable based on intuition but backed up by real
logical reasons from the data.

• Statistics can also be applied to one’s personal life; for example, one
may be interested in investments, say mutual funds, apply his stats
skills, and make some good money out of it.

• With the advent of increase in technology like AI (Artificial

Intelligence) and machine learning techniques, statistics become a
core course (backbone) of these technologies. Nowadays or in the
near future, one may call a statistician as the “God of Data”.
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• https
NIHARIKA SHARMA- Why to choose career in
statistics and Conclusion
DEEPIKA YADAV- Introduction and application
of Statistics
NIDHI YADAV- Careers in Statistics
Made By- Group 2
Class- XI Commerce
Name of School- DAV Fertilizer Public School

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