7 Rws 7 Cause and Effect SG

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*Determine the Cause and Effect in a text read;

*Identify the transitional devices used in a given text;

*Write a Cause and Effect paragraph using the different

transitional devices.
*What do you think will happen when one student
doesn’t study before taking the exam?

*What is the reason why he/she got a failing grade?

*What do you think will happen when one student
doesn’t study before taking the exam?

*What is the reason why he/she got a failing grade?

*What do you think are the reasons why one student

doesn’t study?
Tornado storms tore through the southern United
States on Wednesday. As a result, more than 100
tornadoes ripped through six southern states on
Wednesday, April 27. Due to the intensity of the
storms, homes and businesses were destroyed, and at
least 248 people lost their lives. Consequently,
officials say this is one of the worst storms to hit the
south in nearly 40 years. Alabama, therefore, was
hardest hit by this week's tornadoes.
Consequently, more than 160 people died in the storm
there. Thus, some of the worst damage was in Tuscaloosa,
a city of more than 83,000 people in central Alabama.
Hence, on Thursday, stunned residents surveyed the
damage throughout the town. Consequently, roofs were
ripped off homes, trees lay in the streets, and debris was
scattered everywhere. “We have neighborhoods that have
been basically removed from the map,” Tuscaloosa Mayor
Walter Maddox told the Associated Press.

Question-And-Response Organizer
What pattern
of paragraph
development is
seen on the
What pattern
of paragraph The pattern of paragraph
development is
seen on the
development seen on the text
text? is cause and effect

What are the

effects of the
Tornado to the
United States?
1.Homes and businesses
were destroyed, and
What are the
effects of the
Tornado to the 2.At least 248 people lost
Southern their lives.
United States?
Have you
experienced the
same calamity as
Tornado? What other
calamity have you
experienced here in
the Philippines that
has had a great
impact on the lives
of the people in the
One of the most devastating calamities
Have you
experienced the
in recent Philippine history was
same calamity as Typhoon Haiyan, locally known as
Tornado? What other Yolanda, which struck the central
calamity have you Philippines in November 2013. It caused
experienced here in widespread destruction, particularly in
the Philippines that the provinces of Leyte and Eastern
has had a great
impact on the lives
Samar, resulting in thousands of deaths
of the people in the and massive displacement of people.

Write possible
effects on the
following causes.
1.Continuous price and gas hikes
ON MY OWN 2. Heavy rainfall for three consecutive days
3. Leaving all the lights on throughout the
Write possible night
effects on the 4. Being soaked in the rain for more than an
following causes. 5. Working under the sun for long hours
. Continues price and gas hikes
- Increased transportation costs
ON MY OWN -higher prices for goods and services as
businesses pass on their increased costs to
Write possible
effects on the Heavy rainfall for three consecutive days
following causes. - Heavy rainfall over several days can lead
to flooding
- Heavy rainfall can increase the risk of
landslides, posing dangers to communities
living in vulnerable areas.
. Leaving all the lights on throughout the night
- The most immediate effect of leaving lights on all
ON MY OWN night is increased energy consumption.
- Leaving lights on for extended periods increases the
risk of electrical fires, especially if the lighting
Write possible fixtures or wiring are old or damaged.
effects on the Being soaked in the rain for more than an hour
following causes. - Prolonged exposure to rain, especially in cold
weather, can lead to hypothermia.
-It can weaken your immune system and make you
more susceptible to illnesses such as the common
cold, flu, and respiratory infections.
ON MY OWN Working under the sun for long
Write possible - Prolonged exposure to the sun's
effects on the rays can lead to heat-related
following causes.
illnesses such as heat exhaustion
and heat stroke.
- It can cause sunburn, which is
characterized by red, painful
skin, blistering, and peeling.
Organization 10
Content relevance 10

Pair participation 10

*With the cause-and-effect pattern, the writer can better
.explain how an event or action leads to another.
*Transitional words that can be used for cause and effect
1. As a result
2. accordingly
3. because of (this)
4. due to (this)
5. consequently
6. hence/therefore/thus
*Three different ways to utilize the cause-and-effect
.writing pattern:

1.cause to effect,
2.effect to cause, and
3.consecutive cause and effect.
*1. Cause to Effect - In this pattern, the cause, which is
.either an event or action, is stated right at the beginning of a
paragraph, followed by statements on its effects. This type
of organization is best for explaining a single cause with
multiple effects.
Salmonellosis is a type of food poisoning resulting from the
Salmonella enterica bacterium. People who are infected with such
illness experience abdominal cramps, fever, and diarrhea.
Consequently, they suffer from severe dehydration, vomiting,
headaches, and body aches. Furthermore, salmonellosis can lead
to complications, such as Reiter’s syndrome (reactive arthritis)
and focal infection. Due to these complications, it is imperative to
practice stringent food safety measures and promptly seek medical
attention when symptoms arise.
*What makes this a cause and effect paragraph?.
*What makes this a cause and effect paragraph?.
--Because the topic sentence right at the beginning of the
paragraph defines salmonellosis, the cause. The rest of the
sentences enumerate the effects of the illness. The words
consequently and furthermore are used to connect the ideas
between sentences.
*2. Effect to cause - In this pattern, the effect is stated at
.the beginning of the text, followed by sentences and
paragraphs that explain further the causes. This type of
organization is best for presenting a single effect with
different causes.
*2. Effect to cause - In this pattern, the effect is stated at
.the beginning of the text, followed by sentences and
paragraphs that explain further the causes. This type of
organization is best for presenting a single effect with
different causes.
.Global warming, the increase of Earth’s average surface
temperature, is happening. One of its major causes is the
buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Those gases
trap heat in the atmosphere, which keeps the Earth warm.
However, burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas
produces more carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, in the
atmosphere. Thus, more heat is trapped in the atmosphere, and
the Earth gets warmer than usual.
Another major cause of global warming is
deforestation. When forests are burned, large
amounts of carbon are released into the atmosphere.
Likewise, when trees are cut down, the carbon
dioxide that they are supposed to absorb goes to the
atmosphere instead
Nitrogen-based fertilizers are contributing to global
warming, too. They are used in farming to stimulate
microbes in the soil. At a very fast rate, the microbes
convert nitrogen to nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas
that can trap more heat than carbon dioxide can.
Also, it destroys the ozone, Earth’s defense from
ultraviolet light.
*What makes this an Effect to Cause paragraph?
*What makes this an Effect to Cause paragraph?
-Because the first sentence of the first paragraph states the
effect, which is the main idea of the entire text. It is then
followed by the statement of the first cause and its
supporting information. The second and third causes are
stated and explained in the next two paragraphs.
*3. Consecutive cause and effect- In this type of
organization, each cause has its corresponding effect, and
.they are tackled one by one in a few sentences or
paragraphs. The writer explains each cause and effect
completely before moving on to the next pair of cause and
American women gained status during World War II. Many of
them took over men’s jobs in factories and farms as men
enlisted in the military. As a result, they learned new skills and
experienced work outside of their home. Women were also
allowed to serve in the military following the bombing of Pearl
Harbor, so they felt the pride of being in the military service.
Lastly, because of the absence of men, women made decisions
for themselves and their families.
*Can you explain why this paragraph is a consecutive
.cause and effect paragraph?
*Can you explain why this paragraph is a consecutive
. and effect paragraph?

-Because the first sentence states the main idea of the

paragraph. The next two sentences then give the first
supporting information, the second sentence states the cause,
and the third, the effect. Other supporting information is
presented in the same pattern. Notice the use of signal words as
a result and so to indicate an outcome and because of to signify
a cause.
*Read and analyze the text thoroughly and then underline
the transitional devices use in the given text.
*Recurring headaches can initiate disruptive effects in a person's life. Initially, in
many cases, these headaches make a person nauseous to the point that he or she must
.go to bed. Consequently, sleep is often interrupted because of the pain, further
exacerbating the physical and emotional state of the sufferer. Moreover, for those who
try to maintain a normal lifestyle, drugs are often relied on to get through the day.
However, such drugs can lead to other negative effects, inhibiting productivity on a
job, and perhaps even causing regular absences. As a result, not only is work affected,
but the seemingly unpredictable occurrence of these headaches also leads to disruption
in family life. Due to this, interruptions to a person's family life are enormous, often
resulting in the cancellation of plans at the last minute and straining relationships with
friends and family. Hence, it is no wonder that many of these people feel discouraged
and even depressed due to the cycle of misery that recurring headaches cause.
A. Right There (Unistructural)
. How was the paragraph developed?
B. Think-And-Search (Multi-structural)
1.What are the effects of recurring headaches?
C. Author and Me (Relational)
1. Have you experienced having recurring headache
D. On My Own (Extended Abstract)
1. What are some of the disruptive effects that recurring
headaches can have on a person's life?
*Directions: Write a Cause and Effect paragraph of 3 to 5
.sentences using 3 to 5 transitional devices.

Writing prompts:
1. Cybercrime
2. Causes and effects of social media addiction among
Organization 10
Use of Transitional Devices 10
Content relevance 10

. How did you find the lesson’s activities?

What have you learned? In what way/s do you think

this lesson on CAUSE AND EFFECT patterns of
paragraph development will help you in writing?

I have learned that _____________________________


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