17 Structure of Digestive System-4

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The human digestive system consists of the alimentary canal and accessory organs.
• ALIMENTARY CANAL – a long tubular structure that extends throughout the body.
• It consists of the: Mouth and mouth cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small
intestine, large intestine and anus.
• ACCESSORY ORGANS includes: The tongue, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gall

Die menslike spysverteringstelsel bestaan uit die spysverteringskanaal en

bykomende organe.
• SPYSVERTERINGSKANAAL – is ‘n lang, buisvormige struktuur wat reg deur die
liggaam strek
• Dit bestaan uit die: Mond en mondholte, farinks, esofagus, maag, dunderm,
dikderm en anus.
• BYKOMENDE ORGANE sluit in: Die tong, speekselkliere, pankreas, lewer, galblaas
Must be able to label
Moet kan benoem
See summary pg 150
• It is the upper opening of the alimentary canal.
• The roof of the mouth cavity consists of a hard, ridged palate at the front and a
soft palate at the back.
• The mouth cavity also contains the tongue and the teeth as well as salivary

• Is die boonste opening van die spysverterings kanaal.
• Die dak van die mond is ‘n harde, geriffelde verhemelte voor en ‘n sagte
verhemelte na agter.
• Die mondholte bevat ook die tong en die tande sowel as speekselkliere.
• The mouth cavity receives the food
• Begins the process of mechanical digestion by breaking down larger particles of
food into smaller particles
• Mixing food with saliva, saliva contains enzymes for chemical digestion.

• Die mond ontvang die kos
• Begin die proses van mechaniese vertering deur groter voedseldeeltjies op te
breek in kleiner deeltjies.
• Kos word gemeng met speeksel, speeksel bevat ensieme vir chemiese vertering
• Located at the back of the mouth cavity.
• It leads to two openings (oesophagus and trachea –wind pipe).
• During swallowing, the opening to the trachea is closed by a small flat cartilage
structure called the epiglottis.
• The epiglottis prevents food from entering the trachea and choking a person.

• Gevind aan die agter kant van die mondholte.
• Dit lei tot twee opening (esofagus & tragea – lugpyp).
• Tydens sluk word die tragea se opening gesluit deur ‘n klein, plat kraakbeen
struktuur die epiglottis.
• Die epiglottis verhoed dat kos die tragea binne gaan wat ‘n person sal laat
• The pharynx is a common passage for food and air from the mouth to
the oesophagus and the trachea.
• Epiglottis prevent choking

• Die farinks is die algemene opening vir voedsel en lug vanaf die mond
na die esofagus en tragea.
• Epiglottis verhoed dat mens verstik
• A hollow, muscular tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach.
• It is located behind the trachea.
• The muscle in the wall of the oesophagus are responsible for peristaltic
movements, which push the food bolus forward (towards the stomach).

• ‘n Hol, spieragtige buis wat die farinks verbind aan die maag.
• Word agter die tragea gevind
• Die spiere in die wand van die esofagus is verantwoordelik vir peristaltiese
bewegings, dit stoot die kos voorentoe (rigting van die maag)

• It is a sickle-shaped, sac-like organ that is located just below the diaphragm.
• The stomach wall is thick and muscular
• Cardiac sphincter closes opening between esophagus and stomach
• Pyloric sphincter closes opening between stomach and small intestines

• Is ‘n sekelvormige, sakagtige orgaan wat net onder die diafragma geleë is.
• Die maagwand is dik en spieragtig.
• Kardiale sfinkter/sluitspier maak opening van esofagus na maag toe.
• Pilorussfinkter maak opeining tussen maag en dunderm toe.
Muscle walls
• The muscular wall causes churning movements that assist with
digestion and also ensure that the food is mixed with gastric juices.
• The glands in the stomach wall secrete gastric juices for digestion.

• Die spieragtige wand veroorsaak karringbewegings wat vertering aan
help en ook die kos meng met verteringsappe.
• Die kliere in die maagwand skei maagsap af, vir vertering
• Long, muscular tube of approximately 6m in length.
• It consists of three parts which are:
- duodenum - first and shortest part
- jejunum - middle part
- ileum - last and longest part

• Lang, spieragtige buis van min of meer 6m in lengte.
• Dit bestaan uit drie dele
- duodenum – eerste en korste deel
- jejenum – middelste deel
- ileum – laaste en langste deel
• The inner wall of the small intestine is folded to form finger like structures, villi.
• Villi is adapted for absorption
• Die binne wand van die dunderm is gevou om vingeragtige strukture te vorm,
• Villi is aangepas vir absorpsie
• The layer of muscles in the wall of the small intestine causes peristaltic movements,
which moves the chyme (semi-solid food) forward and ensures that it becomes
thoroughly mixed with the digestive juices.
• Glands in the duodenal wall (crypts of Lieberkühn and Brünner glands) secrete
digestive juices, which play a role in digestion.
• The small intestine has millions of villi to increase the surface area for the absorption
of digested nutrients.
• Die laag spiere in die wand van die dunderm veroorsaak peristaltiese bewegings, wat
die chym (semi-vaste voedsel) voortbeweeg en seker maak dit word deeglik gemeng
met die verterings sappe.
• Kliere in die duodenum wand (kripte van Lieberkühn en Brünner klier) skei
verteringsappe af, wat help met vertering.
• Die dunderm bestaan uit mijoene villi wat die oppervlak vergroot vir die absorpsie
van verteerde voedingstowwe
• Consists of three parts which are caecum, colon and rectum
• The rectum ends with an opening to the outside, anus (sphincter).

• Bestaan uit drie dele: sekum, kolon en rektum
• Die rektum eindig met opening na buite, anus (sluitspier).
• The large intestine secretes large amounts of mucus to aid egestion.
• Water and useful substances (certain vitamins and bile salts) are absorbed
from the semi-solid waste in the colon.
• Undigested waste (faeces) is stored temporarily in the colon before it is
egested via the anus.

• Die dikderm skei groot hoeveelheid slym af om egestie te vergemaklik
• Water en nuttige stowwe (vitamiene en galsoute) word uit halfsoliede afval in
die dikderm geabsorbeer.
• Onverteerde reste (feses) word tydelik in die dikderm geberg voordat dit deur
egestie die anus verlaat
Structure and function of the accessory organs
• It is a muscular organ.
• The back of the tongue is attached
to the mouth floor. Verhemelte

TONG Kleintongetjie
Spieragtige orgaan
Agterpunt aan mondvloer geheg
• It has taste buds and serve as a taste organ.
• It helps with the chewing process by pressing food against the hard palate and
between the teeth.
• This ensures that chewed food is mixed with saliva.
• It rolls the food into a bolus (ball)
• It helps with swallow, pushes bolus towards the opening of the throat.
• Dit besit smaakbekers en dien as ‘n smaakorgaan
• Dit help met die kouproses deurdat dit voedsel teen die harde verhemelte en
tussen die tande deur druk.
• Verseker dat fyngekoude voedsel met speeksel meng.
• Dit rol die voedsel in ‘n bolus (bolletjie)
• Dit help met sluk, druk bolus in rigting van keëlopening.
Humans have four types of teeth, each with four different functions.
• Incisors – bite and cut off food
• Canines – hold food in place and tear it off
• Premolars – chew and grind the food
• Molars – chew and grind the food The human dental formula is:
• Tooth formula 2. 1. 2. 3
2. 1. 2. 3
Mens het vier tipes tande, elk met vier verskillende tipes funksies.
• Snytande – byt en sny kos af
• Oogtande – Hou kos vas en skeur dit af
• Voorkieste / malers – Kou en maal voedsel
• Ware kiestande / malers – Kou en maal voedsel
• Tand formule 2. 1. 2. 3
2. 1. 2. 3
• The salivary glands open into the mouth cavity.
• There are three pairs of salivary glands:
- located below the ears
- located in the lower jaw
- located under the tongue
• Produce and secrete saliva via ducts that open into the mouth cavity.
• Die speeksel kliere open in die mondholte.
• Daar is drie paar speeksel kliere
- Onder die oor
- Onder die kaak
- Onder die tong
• Produseer en skei speeksel af wat in die mondholte open
A tongue-shaped gland located just below the stomach.
The pancreas is both an exocrine and endocrine gland.
It is composed of two types of cell:
- Normal pancreatic cells (exocrine gland)
- Islets of Langerhans (endocrine gland)

‘n Tongvormige klier net onder die maag geleë.
Die pankreas is beide eksokrien en endokriene klier.
Dit is opgebou uit twee tipes selle:
- Gewone pankreasselle (eksokriene klier)
- Eilandjies van Langerhans (endokriene klier)
Endocrine gland– ductless gland, hormones released directly into blood
Exocrine gland – release secretions into ducts that open in eg. small intestine
• Normal pancreatic cells secrete pancreatic juice with enzymes which play a role in
• The islets of Langerhans secrete two hormones (insulin and glucagon) which
control the blood glucose levels in the body.

Endokriene klier – buislose klier, hormone vrygestel in die bloed

Eksokriene klier – skei sekresies af in buise in wat open in bv. Dunderm
• Gewone pankreasselle skei pankreassap af wat ensieme bevat wat help met
• Die eilandjies van Langerhans skei twee hormone af (insulien en glucagon) wat die
• The largest gland in the body and is located just below the diaphragm.
• It consists of two lobes, a large right lobe and a smaller left lobe.
• Each lobe is made up of tiny lobules that in turn consist of liver cells.
• The liver cells produce bile that is transported away from the liver to the gall
bladder for storage.
• Die grootste klier in die liggaam is net onder die diafragma geleë.
• Dit bestaan uit twee lobbe, groot regterlob en ‘n kleiner linkerlob
• Elke lob bestaan uit klein lobules wat op hul beurt weer uit lewerselle bestaan.
• Die lewerselle produseer gal wat vanaf die lewer na die galblaas vervoer word
om gestoor te word.
Function liver
Funksie lewer

Right lobe Left lobe

Regter lob Linker lob
• Produces bile, which is stored in the gall bladder.
• Glucose is converted into glycogen for storage in the liver.
• Excess glucose is converted into fat and stored.
• Excess amino acids are broken down to form urea and glucose - deamination.
• The liver is a detoxifying organ that absorbs and neutralizes certain toxins such as alcohol.
• Vitamins A, D, E, K and B12 are stored in the liver.
• Stores minerals like iron.
• The liver synthesizes heparin which prevents blood clotting.
• Produseer gal, wat gestoor word in die galblaas
• Glukose word omgeskakel in glikogeen en gestoor in die lewer.
• Oortollige glukose word omgeskakel in vet en gestoor.
• Oortollige aminosure word afgebreek en vorm ureum en glukose – deaminasie
• Die lewer is ‘n detoksifiserings organ wat gifstowwe soos alkohol absorbeer en neutraliseer.
• Vitamiene A, D, E, K en B12 word gestoor in die lewer
• Minerale soos yster word gestoor
• Die lewer maak heparien wat bloedstolling voorkom.
• A muscular sac located between liver lobes.
• It contracts to release bile when it is stimulated.
• The gall bladder stores and releases bile that is produced in the liver.
• Bile helps with digestion and absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins in the small

• ‘n Spieragtige sak tussen die twee lewer lobbe.
• Trek saam om gal vry te stel wanneer dit gestimuleer word
• Die galblaas stoor en stel gal vry wat deur die lewer geproduseer is.
• Gal help met die vertering en absorpsie van vette en vetoplosbare vitamienes in die
Activity 3 E-book notes pg 140-141

Aktiviteit 3 E-boek notas bl 140-141

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