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Action Verbs

What is an action verb?

 A verb is one of the most

important parts of the sentence.
It tells the subjects actions,
events, or state of being. It is
always found in the predicate of
a sentence. A verb that shows
action is called an action verb.
The words are action verbs:

ride sang
Can you find the action verb in each

1. The girls danced in the recital.

2. Our mailman drove
a funny car last week.
3. His teacher wrote
the answers on the board.
4. Alice worked
on her homework last night.
Move On
Three types of VERBS :

Present Verbs
Past Verbs
Future Verbs
Present verbs

 An action verb that describes an

action that is happening now is
called a present tense verb.
The bird flies
through the sky.
Flies is a present tense verb
because it is happening right
Present tense verbs

Many present tense verbs

end with s, but some end
with es, or ies.
Past Verbs

 Verbswhich tell about actions

which happened some time ago
are past tense verbs.
The dog wanted a
Wanted is a past tense
verb because the action
has already happened.
Past tense verbs

Many past tense verbs end

with ed, but some end with d,
or ied.

Future Verbs

 Verbs which tell about actions

which are going to happen are
future tense verbs.
She will fetch her kid
Will fetch is a future tense
verb because the action has
not yet happened.
Future tense verbs

Future tense verbs use

special words to talk about
things that will happen: will,
going to, shall, aim to, etc.
going to start will enjoy
shall email

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