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Estructura: Pronombre + Can + Verbo + Complemento

¿Para qué sirven?

Las cláusulas relativas se usan para definir sobre qué persona o

qué cosa estamos hablando. Sirven también para unir dos
oraciones y para dar información adicional, o simplemente para
completar una idea que no queda bien entendida en la oración
que le antecede.
Relative Clauses Uso Significado
Who Personas

Lugares El/la cuál

Los/las cuáles
Which Animales
Personas qué
That Animales
Relative Clauses

Independent Clause – “I.C”

Relative Clause – “R.C”


I.C. – She is my daughter. She is 4 years old.

R.C. – She is my daughter who is 4 years old.

Relative Clauses

Independent Clause – “I.C”

Relative Clause – “R.C”


I.C. – This is my dog Rocket. Rocket jumps very high.

R.C. – This is my dog Rocket which jumps very high.

Relative Clauses

Independent Clause – “I.C”

Relative Clause – “R.C”


I.C. – Luis is at the hotel. The hotel is near his house.

R.C. – Luis is at the hotel that is near his house.


I work in a big company. The company has many employees.

I work in a big company which has many employees.

I saw some good computers at the store. The computers were cheap.
I saw some good computers at the store that were cheap.

I don't like cell phone games. Cell phone games are not challenging.
I don't like cell phone games that are not challenging.

I bought a new car. It is very fast.

She lives in New York. She likes living in New York.

Yesterday I met a man. He works in the circus.

I bought a cell phone. It has internet access.

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