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- Considered as education of physical hence, as well built

unique physique was considered as a physically educated
- The activities then were such term as “drill” “physical
training” and calisthenics.
- This old concept of physical education would in all respect
means today as strengthening the muscles.
Function of Physical Education
1. Biological Function
-This refers to the enhancement of the individuals growth and development
through body movement.
2. Integrative Function
- personality integration
- the informal nature of the activities is such that they provide relaxation
and relief from strain and tensions, provide opportunities for socialization as
well as the development of mental capacities of the individual.
3.The Social Function
- Consist of transmitting values and standards that are consistent with the needs
and ideals of society.

- The main purpose of heath and wellbeing within

curriculum for excellence is to develop the
knowledge and understanding , skills, capabilities
and attributes necessary for mental, emotional,
social and physical wellbeing now and in the future.
- Physical Education helps students develop
physical skills and confidence.

- Ex. Elementary and middle school curriculum includes

activities that help kids obtain and improve skills, such
as running , catching, throwing, striking, applicable to
sports such as baseball, volleyball, or karate.
Major Goal of Physical Education

- The major goal of Physical Education

is “ Fitness” it can be said that the
physical fitness is the ability to live a
healthy , satisfying and useful life
Objectives of Physical Education

1. Physical Development
- The acquisition of physical skills can motivate an individual to participate their in physical activities, hence,
his growth and development will be enhanced.

2.Social Development
- Participation in physical education activities provide opportunities for the development of
desirable social traits needed for adjustment to the social life in general. Some worthwhile traits are;
- friendliness - honesty in group competition
- cooperation
-respect for the right of others
- good sportsmanship
- good leadership
3. Emotional Development

- informal nature of physical education activities offers opportunity for self-

expression and emotional mastery.
Ex of worthwhile emotional traits are;
- Self – confidence -courage
- Self- control - determination
- Self- reliance
4. Mental development
- the individual develop his mental capacities as he learns the mechanical principles
underlying movements as he acquires knowledge and understanding of rules and
strategies of games and improving his movements in gymnastics and dance.
Why is it Important to Be Physically Fit?

People who are physically fit are also healthier, are able to
maintain their most optimum weight, and are also not prone to
cardiac and other health problems. In order to maintain a relaxed
state of mind, a person should be physically active. A person who is
fit both physically and mentally is strong enough to face the ups and
downs of life, and is not affected by drastic changes if they take
How Can You Become More Physically Fit?

-Becoming physically fit requires a change in life style as well. You

will have to incorporate a regular exercise routine in your life and also
eat healthier. By avoiding junk foods, fizzy drinks, bad habits like
smoking and alcohol and by getting adequate amount of rest, you will
be able to become physically and mentally fit. Just by eliminating all
these food substances from your life, no matter how temporarily, you
will allow your body to detox and become stronger. Make sure that
you spend more time outdoors in the sun, and fresh air and take part
in more healthy activities. Fishing, bicycling, swimming, hiking, and
even playing foot ball with your kids should be a part of your
physically fit lifestyle.

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