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 Is the study of the structure, properties, composition, reaction, and preparation of
carbon-containing compounds
 Most organic compound contain carbon and hydrogen, but they may also include any
number of other element (e.g. nitrogen, oxygen, halogen,, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur)
 Is the study of behavior of compound along with their properties, their physical and
chemical characteristic.
 The element of the periodic table except for carbon and hydrogen and in the list of
inorganic compounds.
 Is used to learn about the biological processes which take place in cells and organism.
 Biochemistry maybe used to study the properties of biological molecules for a variety of
 We use measurements everyday of our lives.
 we measure gasoline by gallon, and milk by the quart, we buy meat by the kilo/pound. A
recipe may call for a cup of flour, a tablespoon of butter and teaspoon for alt.
 In chemistry all measurement are made in the metric system or in its expanded
modernized version the SI from the French le systeme internationale unites.
 The main advantages of the SI system is that it is decimal system, that is, the units are all
multiples of ten (10) of larger or smaller units.
 In the English system there is no such common number.
3 feet in a yard
4 quart in a gallon
16 ounces in a pound
 The mass an object is measure of the amount of matter it contains.
 The weight of an object depends on the pull of gravity.
 mass remain constant regardless of location, whereas weight can vary slightly from place
on the surface of the Earth.
 The fundamental of unit of length in the SI system is the meter
 A meter is a little longer than a yard.
 The word meter is abbreviated as m.
 The fundamental SI unit of mass (weight) is the kilogram. A kilogram is slight more 2
 The basic laboratory unit of mass (weight) is the gram. A gram is 1/454 pound.
 The fundamental SI unit of time is the second(s). Decimal-based multiples and
submultiples can also be used, but the older units such as minutes, hours, and days are still
in common use.
 The fundamental SI unit of temperature is the kelvin (k)
the words degree and the symbols for degree are not used.
 In medical application, however, temperature is usually measured in degrees Celsius (°C).
 Volume is not a fundamental SI unit because it can be derived from length(the volume of
rectangular object can be calculated from the relationship
Volume = length x width x length
 In the SI system, volume is expressed in the unit cubic meter (m3)
The cubic meter contains approximately 250 gallons
 A more common unit of volume is the liter (abbreviated by chemist as L by some others
as l).
 A liter is slightly more than one(1) quart
 The basic unit most commonly used in medicine are the meter, the gram, and the liter.
 In the SI system prefixes are used to designate various multiples or submultiples.
Kilo – means one thousand (1000)
Centi – means one-hundredth (100)
Thus , a kilometer (km) is one thousand meter, or 1000m
Centigram (cg) is 1/100 gram or 0.01g
Likewise, a milliliter (ml) is 0.001L
Another unit of volume is the cubic meter (cm3), 1cm3 is equal to 1 ml, so these
two units may be used interchangeably.
 Although the term cubic centimeter is abbreviated as cm3 by chemist, the older
abbreviation cc is still seen at a times.
 Likewise 1MCi (1 megacurie) means 1 million Ci and 1 µg or 1mcg (1 microgram) means
0.000001 g
That the letter m indicates both meter and milli; however, when used itself, it
indicates meter.
Table 1.1 Some Prefixes used in the SI System
Prefix Abbreviation decimal Expression Exponential expression
Mega M 1,000,000 106
Kilo k 1,000 103
hekto h 100 102
deka da 1 101
deci d 0.1 10-1
Prefix Abbreviation Decimal Expression Exponential Expression
centi c 0.01 10-2
milli m 0.001 10-3
micro µ (or mc) 0.000001 10-6
nano n 0.0000000001 10-9
Table 1.2 Metric Conversion
Mass (Weight)
1 g = 1000 mg one gram = one thousand milligram
1 g = 100 cg one gram = one hundred centigram
1g = 10 dg one gram = ten decigrams
1 kg = 1000 g one kilogram = one thousand grams
1 m = mm one meter = one thousand millimeters
1 m = 100 cm one meter = one hundred centimeters
1 m = 10 dm one meter = ten decimeters
1 km = 1000 m one kilometer = one thousand meter
1 L = 1000 mL one liter = one thousand milliliters
1 L = 100 cl one liter = one hundred centiliters
1 L = dL one liter = ten deciliters
1 kL = 1000 L one kiloliter = one thousand liter
Complete the equation for each metric relationship
1.) 1 LITER = ________mL
2.) 1 cm =
refer to the metric prefix in Table 1.1 if necessary
1.) The prefix milli is 0.000 of a basic unit; 1000 units are in 1
basic unit, therefore, 1 liter = 1000mL
2.) The prefix centi is 0.01 of a basic unit, 100 centi; units are
in basic unit, therefore , 1 cm = 0.01 meter
 Considered the following English - English conversion units.
12 in = 1 ft
3 ft – 1 yd
1760 yd = 1 mi
Convert 6ft to inches, many students merely multiply by 12.
However mathematically, the correct procedure is to multiply by
the conversion unit 12in /1 ft so the result is correct both
numerically and in unit.
6 ft = 6ft x 12 in x 72
1 ft
Likewise, to convert 657.5 yd to mi
657.5 yd x 1 mi = 0.3736 mi
1760 yd

Convert 68 grams to kilograms

68 g x 1kg = 0.068 kg
1000 g
Metric – Metric Conversion
 In this exercises you will apply the factor – label method using signifant figures.
Convert 150 cm to m.
since 1 m = to 100 cm
150 cm x 1m = 150 m
100 cm
Convert 3.76 l to mL
3.76 L x 1000 mL = 3760
= 3.76 x 103 mL ( to those significant figures)

Convert 512 mg to kg
since 1 g = 1000 mg and 1 kg = to 1000 g, then

512 mg x 1g x 1 kg = 5.12 x 104 kg

1000 mg 1000 g
 Temperature is a measure of the availability of heat or cold or, in simpler terms, of how
hot or cold a substance is.
 It can be measured by means of a thermometer.
 When we speak of body temperature as being 98.6 degrees or when we say that the
outside temperature is 80 degrees or 40 degrees or even 2 degrees below zero, we are
usually speaking in terms of degrees Fahrenheit (°F), even though we may not express the
unit itself.
 In chemistry, the Celsius (C) and Kelvin (K) temperature scale are commonly used.
 If Fahrenheit and a Celsius thermometer are placed in a mixture of ice ad water, the
reading on the Fahrenheit scale will be 32° and the reading on the Celsius scale 0° - that is,
32 °F correspond to 0°C.
 These temperature is indicate the freezing point of water. They also indicate the melting
If the same two thermometer are placed in boiling water at 1 atmosphere pressure, the
reading on the Fahrenheit scale will be 212° and the reading on the Celsius scale will be 100°.
These temperatures indicate the boiling point of water.
 Thus there is a 180-degree different between the boiling point and the freezing point of
water on the Fahrenheit scale (212° to 32°) and a 100-degree difference between boiling and
freezing points of water on the Celsius scale (100° to 0°).
 The difference between the freezing point of water on the Fahrenheit and Celsius scale is 32°
(32° - 0).
from Fahrenheit to Celsius
from Celsius to Fahrenheit
from kelvin to Celsius
°F = 9/5 °C + 32 and ° C = 5/9 (°F - 32°)
Change 80.0° C to °F
Using the formula:
°F = 9 °C + 32°
°F = 9 (80.0) + 32°
= 144° + 32
= 176° F
Thus 80.0° C = 176° F
QUIZ # 1
1.) 1 kg = ______ g
2.) 1 sec = ________ µsec
3.) 1 mm = ________ m
QUIZ # 2
QUIZ # 3

QUIZ # 4

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