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English Quarter 1

Use the Past and

Past Perfect Tenses
Correctly in Varied

At the end of this module, you

This lesson provides varied are expected to:
activities that will help you learn  define past and past perfect
how to use past and past perfect tense of the verb;
tenses correctly in varied  recognize time expressions
contexts. It will also help you used in past perfect tense of the
target the skills needed for the verb: and
21st Century anchored on the  use the past and past perfect
goals and objectives of the K to tenses in varied contexts
12 Basic Education Program. correctly.

Past and Past Perfect Tenses of the


Past and Past Perfect Tenses of the


Simple Past Tense

➜ to show something happened in the past.
➜ refers to the action that happened second or later.
Kristal ate fruits and vegetables. (*ate
signifies that there is something that happened in the past)

We use simple past tense to talk something
that happened in the past. There are two kinds
of verb in the simple past- they are regular
and irregular verbs. Some of the regular
verbs found in the passage are turned,
hugged, learned and realized. As you notice,
they all end in –ed. Remember that regular
verbs form their simple past by adding –d or
–ed. However, ate, rode, saw, and were are
examples of irregular verbs. Irregular verbs
change its spelling or remain the same.

Past Perfect Tense

➜ shows something happened before another action
in the past.
➜ refers to the action that happened first or earlier.
Kristal ate fruits and vegetables as soon as she
had read the articles about boosting immune
system. (*had read signifies that there was an action happened
before Kristal ate fruits and vegetables.)

To form past perfect, you
simply use the past tense
“had” and add it to
the past participle

of the verb. (had +

past participle)
Take a Look!
Past: We bought washable face
masks. (*bought signifies that it was a past

Past Perfect: When

we bought
washable face masks, the price
had increased. (*had increased signifies
that it happened first before they bought
washable face masks.)
You can also split your content
Past Perfect
I found my wallet after I
Simple Past (report)________it to the lost
I (find) ________ my and found committee.
wallet yesterday.
She (enjoy)________the trip
She (enjoy)_________ by the time she entered High
the trip last summer.
They (buy)_________
They (buy) _________
notebooks before she entered
notebooks last weekend the classroom
Thank you
for listening!

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