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23P005 Akarsh Jain

23P009 Antas Palash
23P021 Kartik Jain
23P028 Nakashtra Gupta
23P040 Rahul Mishra
23P059 Vasu Gupta
• Outdated Processes
Historical Context
• Poor Technology Infrastructure
• NHB established in 1988; housing finance industry • Project Kshitiÿ
• High Non- Performing Assest ⚬ Business re-engineering process.
emerged. • Cutlural Resistance to Change ⚬ Implementation of a scalable target
• Banks held 63% market share in FY 2015; had • Infrastructure limitation operating model.
superior networks. • Ineffective Communication ⚬ Organizational restructuring and brand
• HFC challenges: Building trust, brand, innovation; repositioning.
tech adoption. Challenges Faced • Leadership Development:
⚬ Appointment of change champions.
• Housing finance sector vital for GDP; high growth
⚬ Functional training for role alignment.
potential. • Operational Transformation:
• HFCs struggled for long-term funds post-2008 ⚬ Introduction of a hub-and-spoke model.
crisis. ⚬ Centralization of back-end operations
• PNB Housing Finance Ltd. founded in 1988; • Technology Upgrade:
• Enhanced Operational Efficiency ⚬ Implementation of robust contemporary
subsidiary of Punjab National Bank.
• Improved Customer Satisfaction IT infrastructure.
• Strategic partnership with Destimoney in 2009; Metrics • Performance Management:
Carlyle Group acquisition in 2015. • Positive Cultural Shift ⚬ Introduction of a formal performance
• Presence in 38 cities, 17 states; rapid loan • Financial Growth and Stability management system.
portfolio growth. • Increased Market Share

• Offers housing loans, fixed deposits; caters to

diverse needs. Results Acheived
Transformative Initiative
Marketing and Technology Employee Engagement and
Customer Value Enhancement
Initiatives Performance Management

• Town Hall Meetings

• Multichannel Marketing Strategies • Online Financial Management Facilities
• Skype-based Communication Channels
• Robust IT Infrastructure Implementation • Email Campaigns
• Workshop Conducts
• Online Platforms Enhancement • Social Media Initiatives
• Formal Performance Management Systems
• Mobile Accessibility Improvements • Strengthening Technology Platforms
• Employee Surveys
• Social Media Engagement Strategies • Streamlining Credit Approval Processes
• Reward Programs Implementation
• Customer Relationship Management • Meeting Customer Requirements in Real-
Systems Integration Time

PNBHFL's transformation positions it favorably for

future growth and expansion in the housing finance
sector through improved competitiveness and
operational efficiencies.
Why was there a need for organizational transformation at PNBHFL?

Stagnant Operational Negative

Growth Inefficiancies Workplace High NPAs

Intense competition within the

PNBHFL experienced The company faced operational The organization grappled PNBHFL's non-performing
housing finance sector,
stagnant business growth with challenges such as misaligned with a negative workplace assets were nearly 1.5 times the
particularly from nationalized
a market share of less than reporting structures, lack of atmosphere, characterized by industry average, signaling
and private banks, compelled
specialized functions, and disengaged employees and a underlying issues with risk
0.4%, necessitating strategic PNBHFL to enhance its
absence of underwriting lack of motivation, impacting management and loan quality
changes to boost expansion capabilities, customer trust, and
policies, which hampered overall productivity and that needed to be addressed for
and competitiveness brand image to remain
efficiency and performance. morale. sustainable growth
QUESTION: 2 Driving Forces
1. Strategic Partnership: Destimoney
Enterprise’s collaboration infused 1.Organizational Culture:
capital and expertise, compelling Resistance within existing
Explain the transformation at PNBHFL PNBHFL to enhance culture hindered the
based on Lewin's Force Field Theory? competitiveness. adoption of new practices
2. Market Competition: Intense and processes.
industry competition pushed 2.Employee Resistance:
PNBHFL to adapt and innovate to Apprehension among
Lewin’s Force FIeld Theory proposes that an
employees, especially older
individual's behavior is influenced by two opposing meet customer demands.
staff, about the impact of
3. Leadership Vision: Clear leadership
forces: driving forces that push for change and change on their roles.
vision under Sanjaya Gupta inspired
restraining forces that resist change. According to this 3.Communication Challenges:
alignment towards organizational
theory, change occurs when the driving forces exceed the Ineffective communication
goals. led to ambiguity and
restraining forces, leading to a shift in the equilibrium 4. Technological Advancements: confusion about
state. It emphasizes the need to identify and address both Adoption of technology for transformation goals.
facilitating and hindering factors to successfully improved customer service and
implement organizational change. operational efficiency drove change.
What factors contributed to resistance to change?

Legacy Mindset Lack of Trust in Uncertainty and

Job Uncertainty Poor Brand Image
Leadership Ambiguity

Long-time employees were Employees feared losing their Some employees may have The poor brand image caused Rumors and unofficial
accustomed to the existing jobs due to the transformation lacked trust in the leadership challenges with hiring and information circulated among
culture and ways of working process. This fear of job team, particularly if they retaining top talent and employees, creating an
within the organization which insecurity caused stress and perceived the new skilled employees. They did ambiguous environment. This
led to discomfort and resistance among employees management as disconnected not have a performance- uncertainty about the future
resistance among senior who felt threatened by the from the workforce or not driven culture & their other direction of the company
employees changes taking place. genuinely invested in the policies were not employee heightened resistance to
employees' well-being. friendly. change
How effectively has PNBHFL overcome resistance to change?

Change Champions Communication Channels Leadership

Identified and appointed resistant New managing director Sanjaya Gupta led
Established robust channels like town hall
employees as leaders to drive the change by observing culture, identifying roadblocks,
meetings, Skype-based platforms, and the
process positively, leveraging their and strategizing change, while actively
MD's Post for open dialogue, feedback, and
perspectives and involvement in the engaging, communicating vision, and
trust-building among employees.
transformation journey. demonstrating commitment..

Employee Engagement Training and Development Cultural Integration

Aligned employee aspirations with Invested in employee upskilling through Emphasized value-based culture through
organizational goals through competency functional and cross-functional training, workshops, morning prayers, and initiatives
mapping, workshops, performance-driven leadership development programs, bridging fostering unity and shared purpose, creating
practices, and reward programs to motivate technical and functional gaps for effective a positive work environment conducive to
and foster excellence. adaptation to change. embracing change.
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