Digestive Glands

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Glands associated with GIT
• Salivary glands.
• Pancreas.
• Liver.
Salivary glands
They are exocrine glands that
produce saliva.
It is a watery secretion containing:
 Mucus.
 Enzymes (amylase& the
antibacterial enzyme lysozyme)
 Antibodies & inorganic ions.
Functions of saliva
1. Wets & lubricates the oral mucosa, lips &
2. Contain protective substance such as
immunoglobulin A (IgA) & lysozyme.
3. Initiates digestion of CHO by amylase
enzyme & lipid by lingual lipase.
Types of salivary glands

A. Major salivary glands.

B. Minor salivary glands.
A- major salivary glands
They are compound tubulo-alveolar
exocrine glands.
They secrete 90% of the total volume of
They include:
1. 2 parotid glands: lie in front of both
2. 2 submandibular glands: lie against
the inner aspect of the mandible.
3. 2 sublingual glands: under the tongue.
B- minor salivary glands
• They are branched tubulo-alveolar
exocrine glands.
• They secrete 10% of total volume of saliva.
• They are scattered in the oral mucosa of
lips (labial), cheeks (buccal), palate
(palatine), tongue (lingual) and tongue
papillae (Von Ebner’s)
• They open directly or via short ducts on to
the surface of oral epithelium.
Major salivary glands
General structure of salivary glands
i- stroma:
a) capsule
b) Trabeculae: dividing the gland into lobes &
c) Reticular C.T.
ii- parenchyma:
d) Acini (secretory)
e) Duct system (excretory)
There are 3 types of acini:
• Serous.
• Mucous.
• Mucoserous.
Differences between serous & mucous
Serous acini Mucous acini
Diameter Small Large
Lumen Narrow Wide
Secretory cells Pyramidal Cuboidal
Nuclei Rounded & central Flat & basal
Cytoplasm Basophilic with apical Pale vacuolated
acidophilis zymogen (dissolved mucin)
Boundaries Non- clear Clear
Secretion Serous secretion Mucous secretion

Myoepithelial few Numerous

(basket) cells
Mucoserous acini
• They are mixed secretory acini
containing both mucous & serous
• Serous demilune “crescent of
gianuzzi”: a group of serous cells
found on one side of a mucous
acinus like a crescent.
• They secrete mucoserous
Myoepithelial (basket) cells
• They are branching cells that surround the
acini & ducts as an octopus.
• Their cytoplasm contains actin and myosin
• They squeeze the secretory cells to release
their secretion to the duct system.
Parotid gland
• It is the largest major
salivary gland.
• Situated in front of
both ears.
Histological structure of parotid gland
I. Stroma:
a. Capsule : thick, rich in fat
b. Trabeculae: thick, rich in
fat cells.
c. Reticular CT
II- parenchyma:
Acini (purely serous gland)
& duct system.
Duct system of parotid
It is formed of:
1. Intercalated ducts
2. Striated (intralobular)
3. Inter-lobular (excretory)
4. Interlobar ducts
5. Main duct (stenson’s
Duct system of parotid
• It is formed of:
1. Intercalated ducts:
• they are found inside the lobules.
• they are lined with simple cubical
• they join to form the striated ducts.
Duct system of parotid
2. Striated (intralobular) duct:
• They are found inside the
• They are lined with cuboidal
or low columnar cells with
central rounded nuclei.
• Their cytoplasm shows basal
• They drain into interlobular
Duct system of parotid
3- Inter-lobular
(excretory) ducts:
• Large ducts found in the
CT septa between
• Lined with columnar
• They drain into
interlobar ducts.
Duct system of parotid
4- Interlobar ducts:
• Present in the CT septa
between in the lobes.
• They are lined with
columnar epithelium.
• They collect to drain in
the main duct.
Duct system of parotid
5- Main duct (stenson’s
• At its beginning, it is lined
with stratified columnar
epith. And then stratified
squamous at its end in
the oral cavity.
• It opens in the inner
surface of the cheek
opposite the second
upper molar tooth.
Submandibular gland
• A pair of glands situated
against the inner aspect
of the mandible.
• Histological structure:
I. Stroma: (capsule,
trabeculae, reticular CT)
II. Parenchyma: acini &
Submandibular gland
is a seromucous gland
• Acini: formed of
90% serous acini and
10% mucous & mucoserous
• Duct: the same as parotid .
• The main duct (Wharton’s
duct) opens into the floor
of the mouth cavity.
Sublingual gland
• It is the smallest major
salivary gland.
• Present on the floor of the
• Histological structure:
• Stroma & parenchyma
• It is a mucoserous glands
Sublingual gland
• Mainly mucous with mixed
mucoserous acini.
• It has no purrely serous acini.
• Same as parotid.
• Often joins the
submandibular duct or open

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