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By the end of the lesson, learners should be
able to;
i. State the meaning of Drug abuse and Misuse
ii. Discuss the causes of drug abuse
iii. Examine the effects of drug abuse
iv. Enumerate the drug laws in Nigeria
v. Discuss the roles of NDLEA and NAFDAC
Any substance other than food that is taken or
administered to cause physiological changes to treat,
cure, diagnose, mitigate, prevent or to promote well-
A drug can be defined as a substance used for chemical
purposes, either alone or in a mixture.
It is a chemical preparation for the diagnosis,
prevention or treatment of diseases or ailments. It can
also be defined as any substance that modifies
biological, psychological and social behaviour.
All medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are

A drug is said to be abused when it is taken without medical

prescription. It also involves indiscriminate use of any drug.
Drug abuse can also be defined as the use of illegal drugs in such a
way that it may be harmful to the user or to others. It is also the
habitual us of drugs to alter one’s mood, emotion or state of
Some drugs are used for pleasure rather than medicinal purposes.
These drugs are not medicines and are better called club drugs or
recreational drugs.

1.Excessive ‘social drinking’ of alcohol,

2. Heavy consumption of tobacco-
cigarettes, cigars and snuff at a time.
3. Excessive consumption of
substances such as coffee, kola-nuts to
stay awake constitute drug abuse
4. Taking medicine without doctor’s
5. Misuse of prescription drugs
6. Taking prohibited substances like
hard drugs, (e.g. cocaine and heroin,
marijuana) to make them feel ‘high’
Drug Misuse
When a person takes a legal
prescription medication for a
purpose other than the reason it
was prescribed.
Misuse can include taking a drug in
a manner or at a dose that was
not recommended by a health
care professional. This can happen
when the person hopes to get a
bigger or faster therapeutic
response from medications such as
sleeping or weight loss pills.
Drugs that can be abused
• Alcohol
• Inducement
• Anabolic steroids by athlete
• Stimulant.
• Inhalants
• Sedative Drugs to sleep
• Amphetamine for performance
• Cannabinoids to increase internal stimuli
• Cocaine to increase energy.
Effects of Drugs abuse
Drug abuse leads to:

 Loss of coordination
 Poor judgment
 Slowed reflexes
 Distorted vision
 Memory loss
 Blackout .
Effects of Drug Abuse
Function of the NDLEA
1. The co-ordination of all drug laws and enforcement
of such laws.
2. Adoption of measures to identify, trace, freeze and
confiscate proceeds derived from drug related
3. Adoption of measures to eradicate illicit cultivation
of narcotic plants and to eliminate illicit demand for
narcotic drugs.
4. Collaborating with governmental bodies both within
and outside the country in carrying out its functions.
5. Taking charge, supervising, controlling and
coordinating arrest, investigation, prosecution of all
offences relating with illicit traffic in narcotic drugs
and psychotropic substances.
1. Government should ban sale of drugs in the
markets, buses and public places.
2. People should avoid the use of drugs without
medical prescription in order to ensure safety of their
3. People should exercise their body to relief stress
and to lift their mood
4. Drug education should be emphasized in our
schools and colleges.
5. Parents, guardians and others should re-orient
their children on the negative effects of drug abuse
on their health and the society.
6. Government agencies in charge of drug and food
NDLEA and NAFDAC must intensity their anti-drug
campaigns in order to have drug-free society.
National Agency for Food Drug Administration and
control (NAFDAC)
(NAFDAC) established by Decree No 15 of 1993
1. Regulate and control the importation, exportation, manufacture,
advertisement, distribution, sale and use of drugs, cosmetics,
medical devices, bottled water and chemicals.
2. Approve and monitor the advertisement of food drugs cosmetics,
medical devices, etc.
3. Registration of products by NAFDAC saves people from buying
fake and dangerous food, drugs, medical devices, chemicals, water,
4. To make approved designed specifications for the effective control
of quality of foods drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, chemicals and
bottled water and their raw materials.
5. To pronounce on the safety and quality of food, drugs, cosmetics,
medical devices, bottled water and chemicals other appropriate
1. Teenagers need to be ________on the effect of drug abuse.
(a) beaten (b) cheated (c) educated (d) commended
2. Parents should endeavour to be role _____________ to prevent drug abuse,
(a) builder (b) models (c) parents (d) teachers
3. NAFDAC means National Agency for Food______ and control (a) Drug administration
(b) Development administration (c) Drug application (d) Destruction Activities.
4. National Agency for food and drug Administration and Control was set up by Decree
No. (a) 35 of 1991 (b) 15 of 1993 (c) 22 of 1960 (d) 15 of 1999
5. The minister of health who inaugurated the formal opening of NAFDAC is ____ (a)
Prof. Beko Ransom Kuti (b) Prof. Okonjo Iweala (c) Prof. Olukoye Ramson Kuti
(d) Prof. Menachaia
1. Discuss five activities of drug law enforcement agencies.
2. Explain the way people indulge themselves in drug abuse?

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