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Introduction to Schedule

and Serializability in
In the world of database management systems (DBMS), ensuring the integrity
and consistency of data is of utmost importance. Two crucial concepts that play a
vital role in maintaining data consistency are schedules and serializability. This
introduction will provide an overview of these fundamental principles, laying the
groundwork for a comprehensive understanding of concurrency control in

by Thakur Priyanshu kumar Singh

Concurrency Control in DBMS
Transactions 1
Concurrency control in DBMS revolves
around the management of multiple,
simultaneous transactions. A transaction is a 2 Interleaved Execution
logical unit of work that must be executed In a DBMS, multiple transactions can be
atomically, ensuring that all operations within executed concurrently, with their operations
the transaction are either entirely completed interleaved. This interleaved execution can
or entirely rolled back. lead to issues such as data inconsistency, lost
updates, and other anomalies, if not properly

Concurrency Control Mechanisms 3

To address these challenges, DBMS employ
various concurrency control mechanisms,
such as locking, timestamping, and optimistic
concurrency control. These mechanisms
ensure that concurrent transactions do not
interfere with each other, preserving the
integrity of the database.
Schedules and their Properties
Schedules Schedule Properties Schedule Correctness

A schedule is a sequence of The key properties of schedules Understanding the properties of

operations from multiple include: schedules is crucial for ensuring
transactions that are interleaved the correctness and integrity of the
• Serializability: The ability
and executed by the DBMS. database. Schedules that possess
Schedules represent the actual to produce the same final the desired properties, such as
order in which the transactions are state as a serial execution serializability, are considered
executed and can have different of the same transactions. correct and can be safely executed
properties that determine their • Recoverability: The ability by the DBMS.
validity and correctness. to recover the database to
a consistent state in case
of failures or aborts.
• Avoiding Anomalies:
Ensuring that the schedule
does not lead to data
inconsistencies, such as
lost updates or dirty reads.
Serializable Schedules
1 Serializability 2 Reasons for 3 Achieving
Serializability Serializability
Serializability is a
fundamental property of Serializability is essential Achieving serializability in a
schedules that ensures the because it guarantees the DBMS is a critical task that
final state of the database is consistency and integrity of involves the implementation
equivalent to a serial the database. By ensuring of various concurrency
execution of the same set of that the final state of the control mechanisms, such as
transactions. In other words, database is the same as a locking, timestamping, and
the concurrent execution of serial execution, optimistic concurrency
transactions must produce serializability prevents data control. These mechanisms
the same result as if the anomalies, such as lost ensure that concurrent
transactions were executed updates, dirty reads, and transactions do not interfere
one after the other, without other inconsistencies that with each other and that the
any interleaving. can occur due to concurrent final state of the database is
transaction execution. consistent and correct.
Conflict Serializability
Conflict Serializability Conflict Operations
Conflict serializability is a specific type of Conflicting operations are those that access the same
serializability that focuses on the conflicts between data item and at least one of them is a write
operations within a schedule. A schedule is conflict operation. These conflicting operations must be
serializable if it can be transformed into a serial executed in a specific order to maintain the
schedule by swapping non-conflicting operations. consistency of the database.

Conflict Graph Importance of Conflict Serializability

The conflict serializability of a schedule can be Conflict serializability is an important concept in
determined by constructing a conflict graph, which DBMS because it provides a practical and efficient
represents the dependencies between the transactions way to ensure the serializability of schedules. By
based on their conflicting operations. If the conflict focusing on the conflicts between operations, conflict
graph is acyclic, the schedule is conflict serializable. serializability can be checked more easily than other
forms of serializability, making it a widely used
approach in DBMS implementation.
Precedence Graph and its Use
Precedence Graph
The precedence graph is a powerful tool used to analyze the serializability of schedules in DBMS. It
represents the dependencies between transactions based on the order in which they access shared data

Building the Graph

To build the precedence graph, each transaction is represented as a node, and an edge is drawn from one
node to another if there is a conflict between the corresponding transactions. The direction of the edge
indicates the order in which the conflicting operations must be executed.

Checking Serializability
If the precedence graph is acyclic, the schedule is serializable. The topological ordering of the nodes in
the graph represents the correct serial order of the transactions. However, if the graph contains a cycle, the
schedule is not serializable, and concurrency control mechanisms must be used to resolve the conflict.
Deadlocks and their Detection
1 Deadlocks
Deadlocks are a common issue that can arise in DBMS when multiple transactions are waiting for
resources held by other transactions, creating a circular dependency. This situation can lead to a
complete halt in the system, as none of the involved transactions can proceed.

2 Deadlock Detection
To detect deadlocks, DBMS employ various algorithms, such as the wait-for graph, which represents
the dependencies between transactions. By analyzing the wait-for graph, the DBMS can identify the
presence of cycles, indicating the existence of a deadlock.

3 Deadlock Resolution
Once a deadlock is detected, the DBMS must take action to resolve the issue. This typically involves
rolling back one or more transactions to break the circular dependency and allow the remaining
transactions to proceed. Deadlock resolution strategies, such as victim selection and deadlock
prevention, are crucial for maintaining the overall system's efficiency and availability.
Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Schedules Serializability Deadlocks Concurrency

Schedules represent the Serializability is a Deadlocks are a potential
interleaved execution of fundamental concept in issue in DBMS that can Concurrency control
multiple transactions in a DBMS, ensuring that the arise due to circular mechanisms, such as
DBMS. Understanding final state of the database dependencies between locking, timestamping,
the properties of is equivalent to a serial transactions. Effective and optimistic
schedules, such as execution of the same set deadlock detection and concurrency control, are
serializability and of transactions. resolution mechanisms essential for managing
recoverability, is Achieving serializability are necessary to maintain the interleaved execution
essential for ensuring the is crucial for preventing the overall system's of transactions and
integrity and consistency data anomalies and efficiency and ensuring the correctness
of the database. maintaining data availability. and integrity of the
consistency. database.

In conclusion, the concepts of schedules, serializability, and concurrency control are fundamental to the design and
implementation of robust and efficient database management systems. Understanding these principles and the techniques
used to address challenges like deadlocks is crucial for effectively managing the complex interactions between concurrent
transactions and maintaining the integrity of the database.

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