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Velociraptor is a genus this

dinosaur that lived
approximately 75 to 71
million years ago. The name
Velociraptor means 'swift
seizer' or 'swift thief', which
refers to its hunting abilities.
This bipedal predator was
about 1.8 meters long and
weighed up to 15 kilograms.
It had a long, stiffened tail,
feathers on its arms and tail,
and a large sickle-shaped
claw on each hind foot.
Habitat and Distribution:

Velociraptors were found in

what is now Mongolia and
China. They lived in a variety
of environments ranging
from forests to deserts.
Fossils of Velociraptor have
been found in the Djadokhta
Formation and Barun Goyot
Formation in the Gobi Desert
region of Mongolia and
Diet and Hunting:
Velociraptors were
carnivorous predators that
hunted small to medium-
sized prey. They were
known for their speed and
agility, which they used to
catch their prey.
Their most distinctive
feature was the
large,crescent claw on
each hind foot. This claw
could be up to 8 inches
long and was used to slash
and disembowel their prey.
Social Behavior:
Velociraptors were highly
intelligent and social
animals. They lived in packs
and worked together to take
down larger prey.
There is evidence that
Velociraptors may have had
complex communication
and social structures.
Fossilized footprints suggest
that they may have even
cared for their young.
The exact reason for the
extinction of Velociraptors
is unknown. However, it is
believed that changes in
climate and habitat, as well
as competition with other
predators, may have
contributed to their
Despite their extinction,
Velociraptors continue to
fascinate scientists and the
general public alike. Their
legacy lives on through
fossils and pop culture
Thank you for your attention!
Project by Nectarie Dragoi

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