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Peter’s Engineering College



Department of CSE(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Department of CSE(Computer Science and Design) 1
St.Peter’s Engineering College

Department of CSE(Computer Science and Design)

Department of CSE(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Team Details St.Peter’s Engineering College

Team Name: A14

Thathaji Paila (Team Leader) Siddu Rajaram

College:SPEC College:SPEC
Stream:CSD Stream:CSD
Year of graduation:2025 Year of graduation:2025

Charandeep Maddipati

Photo College:SPEC
Year of graduation:2025

Department of of CSE(Artificial Intelligence
CSE(Computer Science and and Machine Learning)
Design) 3 3
St.Peter’s Engineering College

Innovate for Society

Innovate For Society

Apply technology in innovative ways to help
improve the way we work and live, and
create value for our society

Innovate for a Sustainable World

Innovate for a Sustainable World

Develop innovative business to tackle some
of the world’s greatest ‘environmental

Department of CSE(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Department of CSE(Computer Science and Design) 4
Problem Statement St.Peter’s Engineering College

Problem Statement:
In urban areas, traffic congestion poses significant
challenges for efficient transportation systems and city management.
Therefore, there is a pressing need for a modern approach to analyze
traffic congestions using deep learning techniques. This project aims to
develop a deep learning-based solution to accurately detect and analyze
traffic congestions, enabling authorities to implement more effective
traffic management strategies and alleviate congestion-related issues in
urban areas.

Department of CSE(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Department of CSE(Computer Science and Design) 5
Existing solution/Literature Survey
St.Peter’s Engineering College

At the beginning to keep track of vehicles they use to count the vehicles going on the road
manually which is a hectic task to count the vehicles manually and the accurateness of the result is
also very low and as the technology is increasing in they used sensors to keep track of vehicles
going on roads. Some of those sensor-based techniques are infrared detector and radar detector. In
the present generation, video-based solutions are used which provides more accurateness than
previously used techniques and some of the techniques used in the video-based solution are
❖ point detection
❖ edge detection
❖ frame detection
❖ matching

Department of CSE(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Department of CSE(Computer Science and Design) 6
Proposed solution
St.Peter’s Engineering College

The technique used in this paper is different from other techniques, to provide better quality and
accuracy in vehicle detection it uses a hybrid technique that is it is a combination of both “Frame
Differentiation” and “Edge Detection” algorithms and we are using the Kalman filter with which the
position of each vehicle can be assessed and tracked properly and accurately and also provide useful
information for traffic flow analysis this Kalman filter is used to organize the different vehicles in
dissimilar definite clusters and count them distinctly.


• Noises are eliminated from the surveillance video photo.
• Shadows will be removed from the input motion so that even the vehicles under the shadow of other
vehicles can also be detected and tracked.

Department of CSE(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Department of CSE(Computer Science and Design) 7
Innovation in 360°
St.Peter’s Engineering College

Data Collection: We're innovating by gathering data from various sources like traffic
cameras, GPS devices, and sensors, ensuring we have a comprehensive understanding
of traffic patterns.

Advanced Algorithms: We're using cutting-edge deep learning algorithms, like those
used in facial recognition, to analyze traffic data quickly and accurately.

Real-time Analysis: Our innovation lies in providing instant insights into traffic
congestion, helping authorities make immediate decisions to improve traffic flow.

Prediction: Our project isn't just about understanding current traffic; we're also
innovating by predicting future congestion, allowing for proactive measures to be taken.

Department of CSE(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Department of CSE(Computer Science and Design) 8
Comparison/Advantages of Proposed Solution with Existing
St.Peter’s Engineering College

Existing Solutions:
1.Traditional Traffic Flow Models:-Existing traffic flow models such as the Lighthill-
Whitham-Richards (LWR) model and the Cell Transmission Model (CTM) provide
basic frameworks for understanding traffic flow dynamics.
2.Traffic Surveillance Systems:-Utilize cameras, sensors, and other data
collection devices to monitor traffic flow.

• Advanced Proposed Solutions:

1.Deep Learning Models:-Utilize deep neural networks to learn complex patterns
directly from raw traffic data.
Hybrid Models:-Combining multiple approaches, such as integrating traditional traffic
flow models with deep learning or reinforcement learning

Department of CSE(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Department of CSE(Computer Science and Design)
St.Peter’s Engineering College

Department of CSE(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Department of CSE(Computer Science and Design) 10
St.Peter’s Engineering College

Department of CSE(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)


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