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Receiving to Turn

• Technique Practice 14 players working in pairs in 30 yd grid or circle. O’s
have a ball each and pass to X player who turns and
plays to another player on outside of grid. Outside players
get active rest by receiving and turning before they pass
to another player

O O Key Teaching Points

• Open Body stance to receive
O • Decision – one touch, no touch or multiple
X X touch turn
• Take on back foot to create space
X O • Take on front foot to spin away from defender
X • Introduce 1-2 option
• Quality of pass
• Support movement of passer
O O Progression
O •Rotate players
•Introduce passive/active defenders
Receiving to Turn
• Skill Practice As for technique practice with introduction of 2-3
defenders who are passive to begin with. Coach to
observe decision making of players who are opposed by
a defender

O Key Teaching Points

O • Open Body stance to receive
O • Decision – one touch, no touch or
X X multiple touch turn
• Take on back foot to create space
X D O • Take on front foot to spin away from
X defender
• Introduce 1-2 option
X • Quality of pass
DX • Support movement of passer

O O Progression
•Rotate players
•Progress to game related practice
Receiving to Turn
• Game related practice 50 x30 yd area. 4 v4 with X & O target players in either
end zone and floaters on flanks. X players combine to get
the ball to their X target player at the far end. Target
players then switch the play and pass to O players.
O X Coach can condition the game to prevent ball being
passed back to target players to encourage turns

X Key Teaching Points

• Create space as team & individual
X • Open Body stance to receive
• Decision – one touch, no touch or
F O O F multiple touch turn
• Execution of turn
• When to turn/when to pass
X • Support movement around the ball &
X away from the ball
O O Progression
•Rotate players

X O •Allow target players to support, to develop different

combinations/patterns of play
•Reduce size of area
Receiving to Turn
• 4v4 Game
50 x30 yd area. 4 v4 with GK’s and 4 neutral floaters.
Start position if coaching X team is to give possession to
O team for coach to check movement of X players when
possession is regained

Key Teaching Points

GK • Create space as team & individual
• Open Body stance to receive & note position
O F of defender
F • Decision – no-touch, 1 –touch etc
X O • Execution of technique
X • Decision to shoot. Dribble or pass?
• Support movement around the ball & away
F •
from the ball
End product
O X Progression
•Rotate floating players
GK •Floaters become X or O wide players and can only play
for their team

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