Shaping Futures: A Qualitative Exploration of The Factors Influencing Career Choices Among Out-Of-School Youth

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Catalina National High School

Shaping Futures: A Qualitative Exploration of the

Factors Influencing Career Choices among
Out-of-school Youth
De Mesa, Renz Abante; Jacob, Allyson Jazzle Avelina; Magtibay, Beanne Magnaye

 What are the factors that influence the career choices of the
out-of-school youth?

 How those identified factors contributed in the chosen

career path of the out-of-school youth?

 To identify the factors that create a big impact and

influence the out-of-school youth in their career choices.

 To identify the way in which those identified factors

contributed in the chosen career path of the out-of-school

This paper utilized a qualitative approach to maintain a reliable data. It

specifically employed the narrative inquiry and phenomenological research design.
Thus, a qualitative study investigates meanings and personal experiences constructed by
individuals in a particular setting. Hatch (2002) states, “For qualitative researchers, the
lived experiences of real people in real settings are the objects of the study” (p.6). As
Creswell (2012) affirms, one characteristic of qualitative research is to develop a deep
“detailed and understanding of a central phenomenon” (p.16). Also Lichtman (2006)
points out that, “the main purpose of qualitative research-whatever kind-is to provide an
in-depth description and understanding of the human experience… human phenomena,
human interaction or human discourse” (p.8). This paper use a qualitative approach to
have a better understanding on the experiences of the respondents. The respondents of
the study were the 8 Out-of-school Youth (OSY) in the Barangay Malabanban Norte
Candelaria, Quezon, Philippines. They were chosen using Non-Probability Sampling

Method specifically the Convenience Sampling Method. This method is the right
method of sampling for this study, because participants are selected based on
availability and willingness to take part. They are the chosen respondents of this study
because, we are exploring the factors influencing career choices among Out-of-school
Youth (OSY). We choose to have 50% Males and 50% Females in our respondents to
have a balance responds in terms of gender. Both face-to-face and online interview was
used in this study in order to gather data or information. During interview, the
respondents were asked (What specific factors influence your career choices?) ; (In
what specific way those factors influence your career choices?) ; (What is your current
career path?) ; lastly (What are the impacts of those factors in terms of your current
career path? Give a particular experience that shows the way in which those factors
impact your current career path?). The study used this questions to know and
understand the factors influencing career choices among Out-of-school Youth (OSY).

The primary prospect of this research is to explore and identify the different factors that influence the
career choices of the out-of-school youth. The given factors of the out-of-school youths practically reflects
the life of the usually Filipino citizen. We interviewed the 8 out-of-school youth in barangay Malabanban
Norte, Candelaria Quezon, Philippines. Which is 50% female and 50% male. 2 of the respondents said that
financial factors are the one who influenced their career decision. While 1 respondent said that it was
socioeconomic. On the other hand, the majority, 4 of the respondents said that the family factors are the one
who influenced their career decision and 2 respondents said that it was the peer-related factors. If you sum up
those result you may see that it will total to 9 respondents, but the main reason for that is because the 1
respondent answered that both of the family and peer-related factors influenced his decision. The purpose of
this research is to merely explore and identify the different factors and situation of the out-of-school youth
faced in terms of their career prospect. Our goals are to understand those factors without hesitation and
judgements, investigate the way in which those factors influence their career choices, and to identify the
impact of those factors in their chosen career path. Through this paper we will able to understand the
perspective of the out-of-school youth. We should take their perceptions seriously and respectively, for us to
be able to create an all-encompassing society for everyone.

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