Transcendent and Immanent Dimension-1

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Discuss a Transcendent

Religious Worldview which

has a belief in a divine
power and/or powers
beyond the human
A Transcendent The transcendent dimension of
religion enables humans to surpass
Religious the limits of their creatural
Worldview existence and earthly concerns to
focus on heavenly spiritual matters.
Religion posses a transcendent
dimension. It points us towards - Christianity, Islam and Judaism -
a divine power is said to transcend (be
the sacred or divine world and predominantly above or beyond) the
beyond this earthly and world. The One God exists beyond the
material world. human and yet guides humanity
throughout its everyday existence
Use this site to explain how Christianity is a
transcdendent religion.
Explanation + Example Explanation + Example
Explanation + Example
Transcendent refers to being
beyond the universe and to be Lastly christianity is a transcendent
Secondly christianity can be view at as a religion as through the gospel of mark
outside human comprehension and transcendent religion as throughout the and luke god has been observed to carry
understanding, throughout the bible and religion it can be observed god out several miracles from raising the
Lords teaching and the bible it can has a sinless nature. Unlike humankind dead, turning water into wine and
be distinctly shown that god is who is bound by the flesh to sin, god is healing the sick etc. This is shown in
separate and independent from the unable to sin. This can be portrayed in 1 Ezekiel 37 where god is displayed
natural laws of human nature. This john 3:5 “ you know that he appeared to raising “the valley of the
is evident in Genesis 1:1 “in the take away sins, and in him there is no sin. bones”.Since this is something
beginning god created the heavens This is evidence god is transcendence to humans are incapable of doing it
and the earth. As god created the human nature as he is able to implement serves as proof of christianities and
heavens its can comphresenviely a sinless nature unless humans who by god's transcendent nature.
be shown that christianity is a the flesh are bound to sin.
transcendent religion.
Use examples to explain a transcendent religious
The word transcendent refers to being beyond the universe, outside human comprehension
and understanding. This is evidently scattered throughout religions such as christianity. An
example of this is ib christianity where god is shown to have created the universe this is
evidently shown in genesis 1:1 “in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth.” As
the creation of the universe can be observed as beyond human understanding christianity
can be seen as a succinct example of a transcendent religious worldview. Another example
of this is shown where gods sinless nature can be viewed 1 john 3:5 “ you know that he
appeared to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. Unlike humans who are bound by the
flesh to sin god is unable to sin. So to conclude christianity can be seen to represent as a
perfect example to explain a transcendent religious worldview.
Discuss an Immanent
Religious Worldview which
has a belief in a divine
power and/or powers
dwelling with the individual.
- Buddhism and Hinduism -
An Immanent
Religious Worldview A divine power or being
dwells with the individual
The immanent dimension (immanent). In the case of
emphasises the presence of God Buddhism for example; it is
or gods within human existence, important not to look for a
in the day-to-day, concrete, Buddhist equivalent of ‘God’
ordinary concerns of life, rather but for an ultimate goal or
than above or beyond it. principle, such as nirvana or
dhamma, that gives
Buddhists a sense of ultimate
Read Hinduism for Dummies to explain how
Hinduism is an Immanent religion.
Explanation + Example Explanation +
Explanation +
Belief of the brahman that Example
the divine power is within Example
everything. Since they Hinduism is an example of a
Belief in the gods as a leader immanent religion as they
believe that the divine
for each aspect in life eg believe in karma. They believe
power can be “within the (fire,money,air water etc) This that they must practice good
universe and within human is imminent as the divine deed to develop good karma,
comprehension this can be powers are located in lakes, air this is an example of the
seen as a clear examples and streams. immanent religion as it is
of a immanent religion. within human comprehension
and understanding.
Use examples to discuss the immanent and transcendent
religious worldviews.
Transcendent and immanent are two different words that both have different meanings.
Transcendent religious worldviews refers to one which the supernatural is beyond the human
comprehension. While an immanent religious worldview refers to being within the universe
and bound by the limits of human comprehension. Hinduism and christianity both serve to be
prime examples of a immanent and a transcendent religious worldview. Genesis 1:1 “In the
beginning god created the heavens and the earth” since the creation of earth is beyond
human understanding this religion can be seen as a succinct example of a transcendent
religious worldview. Hinduism can serve as a clear example of the immanent religious
worldview as they believe that the divine power can be scattered and present in everything.
This is evident through the belief of the “Brahman” the ultimate reality for the hindus. Hindus
believe that the brahman is within everything even within us. So to conclude Christianity can
be seen as a transcendent religious worldview through the creation of the universe, since the
creation of the universe in beyond human understanding this is hence a transcendent
worldview. On the other hand through the belief in the Brahman we can understand that
hinduism is a immanent religious worldview as it teaches that the divine power is within
everything even us.

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