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B. Validity
C. Reliability
D. Practicality and Efficiency
- Measure what is supposed to be measured.

It also means:
It is the degree to which an assessment instrument
measures what it intends to measure.
It also refers to the usefulness of the instrument for
a given purpose. It is the most important criterion of
a good assessment instrument.
20XX Pitch Deck
How to establish validity?
Construct Validity Face Validity
the experimental demonstration that a test is is done by examining the
measuring the construct it claims to be measuring. physical appearance of
a. Convergent - Constructs are related instrument to make it
b. Divergent - Constructs are not related readable and understandable
Content Validity Criterion-related Validity
is done through a careful degree to which test scores agree with an external
and critical examination criterion. For example, achievement test scores, rating,
of the objctives of grades, and other numerical judgement career data
assessment to reflect the a. Concurrent - provides an estimate of students’
curricular objectives current performance
b. Predictive - usefulness of scores to predict future
20XX performance
Factors Affecting Validity

Validity Coefficient

Validity coefficient is the computed value of

- It indicates how much variation in the
criterion can be accounted for by the predictor
(teacher test).

Reliability = Consistency
It refers to the consistency of measurement, that
is, how consistent test results or another
assessment result from one measurement to
another. Thus, a test is reliable when it can be
used to predict practically the same scores when
the test is administered twice to the same group
of students and with a reliability index of 0.61
above. (Gabuyo, 2012)
20XX Pitch Deck
Methods of Estimating Reliability (Linn & Gronlund, 2000)
Test- Retest Method Equivalent Forms
Stability (same test twice after Equivalence or Alternative (Two
several minutes to years) same test in close succession).
Test- Retest with Equivalent Forms Split-Half method
Stability and Alternative (2 forms Internal Consistency (1 test divided
of test with increased interval) to two) Spearman Brown Formula.
Test- Kuder-Richardson method Interrater Method
and Coefficient Alpha Consistency of ratings-
Interval Consistency (Give test Subjective tasks. Many rater.
once and apply a formula)
Is a measure of the amount of error associated with
the test scores.

Presented by:
Morada, Mark Jhon
Tablatin, Roselle
Lagucay, Christian
Mejido, Venus
Alejandre, Sarah
Choose the correct answer.

1. It is measure what is supposed to be

a. Validity
b. Reliability
c. Practicality
d. Efficiency

20XX Pitch Deck

2. It refers to the consistency of measurement, that
is, how consistent test results or another assessment
result from one measurement to another.
a. Validity
b. Reliability
c. Practicality
d. Efficiency

20XX Pitch Deck

3. It refers to the improvement of assessment.

a. Validity
b. Reliability
c. Practicality
d. Efficiency

20XX Pitch Deck

4. What is done through a careful and critical
examination of the objctives of assessment to
reflect the curricular objectives?
a. Construct Validity
b. Content Validity
c. Face Validity
d. Criterion-related Validity

20XX Pitch Deck

5. What is done by examining the physical
appearance of instrument to make it readable and
a. Construct Validity
b. Content Validity
c. Face Validity
d. Criterion-related Validity

20XX Pitch Deck

6. What is the experimental demonstration that a
test is measuring the construct it claims to be
a. Construct Validity
b. Content Validity
c. Face Validity
d. Criterion-related Validity

20XX Pitch Deck

7. What is the degree to which test scores agree
with an external criterion?

a. Construct Validity
b. Content Validity
c. Face Validity
d. Criterion-related Validity

20XX Pitch Deck

8. It indicates how much variation in the criterion can
be accounted for by the predictor (teacher test).
a. Factors Affecting Validity
b. Validity Coefficient
c. Reliability Coefficient
d. Criterion-related Validity

20XX Pitch Deck

9. It is a measure of the amount of error associated
with the test scores.
a. Factors Affecting Validity
b. Validity Coefficient
c. Reliability Coefficient
d. Criterion-related Validity

20XX Pitch Deck

10. It refers to the consistency of results among
different testing occasions.
a. Stability
b. Internal Consistency
c. Alternate Form
d. Equivalent Form

20XX Pitch Deck

11. It refers to the consistency in the way an
assessment instrument’s items function.
a. Stability
b. Internal Consistency
c. Alternate Form
d. Equivalent Form

20XX Pitch Deck

12. It refers to the consistency of results among two or
more different forms of a test.
a. Stability
b. Internal Consistency
c. Alternate Form
d. Equivalent Form

20XX Pitch Deck

13. What is the method that same test twice after
several minutes to years?
a. Test- Retest Method
b. Test- Retest with Equivalent Forms
c. Equivalent Forms
d. Split-Half method

20XX Pitch Deck

14. What is the method that two forms of test with
increased interval?
a. Test- Retest Method
b. Test- Retest with Equivalent Forms
c. Equivalent Forms
d. Split-Half method

20XX Pitch Deck

15. What is the method that one test divided to two?

a. Test- Retest Method

b. Test- Retest with Equivalent Forms
c. Equivalent Forms
d. Split-Half method

20XX Pitch Deck

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. C \ D
13. A
14. B
15. D


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