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Functions of School Administration

Reported by: Norhailyn Bato
Crizele Ann S. Bayking
Meaning of Function?
The term “Function” as used in
education may mean the purpose or
activity to be accomplished by
creative education process.
What is Supervision?

The word Supervision is defined

as the authoritative direction of
the work of ones subordinates.
Types of Supervision
1. Direct Supervision

2. Indirect Supervision
Objectives of Supervision

 Help to motivate subordinates.

 Help member to identify problem and solve
 Help to develop team spirit and team work.
Aim of Supervision

To provide the necessary leadership in studying,

planning, improving, coordinating and evaluating
the school programs and in handling of the
problem areas that materialize the school.
5 Major Functions of Supervision

 Inspection
 Research
 Training
 Guidance
 Evaluation
1. Inspection
 Inspection is a study of existing
school conditions.
 The first task of a School Admin is to
survey the school system.
2. Research
 The fundamental aim of this function
is to formulate a plan to remedy the
weakness to solve the problem

 Research as function should be

practical and applicable to the
existing procedures and conditions.
3. Training
 Acquainting the teachers with the
solutions discovered or formulated
through research is within the training
function of supervision.
 Training as function must be based on
democratic principle of supervision –
respect for rights and opinions of
4. Guidance
 The concept of guidance has found
expression in the field of school
supervision. Guidance involves
personal help given by someone.
 Assisting the teacher to solve the
problems arise in his/her teaching are
within the scope of and guidance.
5. Evaluation
 The purpose of evaluation is to
appraise the outcomes of instruction
and to improve the products and
processes of instruction.
Other functions of Supervision
Orientation of newly posted staff.

2. Assessment of workload.
Other functions of Supervision
Assess need of supplies and equipment.

4. Raise the level of motivation

Other functions of Supervision
Studying the Teaching-Learning
5. situation.

Improving the Teaching-Learning

6. situation.
Other functions of Supervision
Evaluating the means, methods and
7. outcomes of Supervision
Thank You for Listening!

Presented by: Crizele Ann S. Bayking

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