Planning A Survey Research

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Planning a Survey

The research design of survey research is similar to
that of the experimental research. However, when it
comes to data collection method and instrument,
survey research goes through the following phases:
1. Explain objectives clearly
2. Formulation of research question or hypothesis to predict
relationships between variables
3. Determination of the exact kind of data referred to by the hypothesis
or research questions
4. Assurance of the population or group of people to which the findings
will be applied to
5. Finalization of the sampling method for selecting the participants
6. Identification of the method or statement in collecting data, that is,
whether it is a questionnaire on paper through phone, via computer, or
Explain objectives
-Before starting any research, it's essential to
have a clear understanding of what you hope
to accomplish. This involves outlining specific
goals and objectives that you aim to fulfill
through your research process. These
objectives serve as guiding principles, helping
to direct your efforts and focus your attention
on what truly matters.
Formulation of research
question or hypothesis to
predict relationships between
-Research questions or hypotheses are pivotal
in shaping the direction of your study. These
are inquiries or predictions that you formulate
based on your understanding of the topic.
They guide your investigation by providing a
framework for exploring relationships
between variables or phenomena.
Determination of the exact
kind of data referred to by
the hypothesis or research
- Once you have your research question
or hypothesis, it's important to determine
the specific data needed to address it. This
involves identifying the variables or
factors that are relevant to your inquiry
and specifying how they will be measured
or observed.
Assurance of the population
or group of people to which
the findings will be applied to
- Understanding the population or group to
which your research findings will be
applicable is crucial. This helps ensure that
your study's conclusions are relevant and
can be generalized to the broader
population or specific target group.
Finalization of the sampling
method for selecting the
- Selecting the right participants for your
study is crucial to ensure that your research
outcomes are reliable and valid. This
involves determining the sampling method,
whether it's random sampling, stratified
sampling, convenience sampling, or another
method, based on the nature of your
research and the population being studied.
Identification of the method or
statement in collecting data, that
is, whether it is a questionnaire
on paper through phone, via
computer, or face-to-face
- Choosing the appropriate data collection
method is essential for obtaining accurate
and reliable information. Depending on
the nature of your research and the
preferences of your participants, you may
opt for methods such as surveys,
interviews, observation, or a combination
of these approaches.

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