Geo HHW 1 Mountandriver

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Rivers and

The Amazon River originates in
Peru and flows eastward
through Brazil, providing life to
the diverse ecosystems of the
Amazon Rainforest before
emptying into the Atlantic
Ocean. It is a crucial force that
sustains one of the most
biodiverse regions on Earth.
The Amazon's aquatic ecosystem is home to
various creatures, including manatees, Amazon
leaf fish, giant otters, pink dolphins, arapaima,
and glass fish. They all contribute to the region's
biodiversity, forming a mesmerizing underwater
“Temperature ,Speed
and Geography”

The Amazon River is Its temperature remains

the world's largest warm throughout the year,
river by volume, ranging from 72 to 82
flowing at an average degrees Fahrenheit (22 to 28
discharge of 209,000 degrees Celsius). The Nile
cubic feet per second was recently discovered to
and an average be longer than previously
speed of 7 miles per believed, at 4,258 miles.
São Francisco
The São Francisco River, at 2,914
kilometers, starts in Minas Gerais and
flows north through Bahia and
Pernambuco. Crucial for agriculture and
energy, it faces challenges like pollution,
prompting conservation efforts. Culturally
significant, it attracts tourists for activities
like river cruises. The São Francisco
encapsulates Brazil's richness, emphasizing
the need for conservation.
Source of
The São Francisco River in Brazil is important for the
economy, agriculture, transportation, hydroelectric power
generation, and conservation efforts due to its diverse
flora and fauna. It is also a popular tourist destination and
produces 30% of Brazil's electricity. Globally, an estimated
0.97-2.7 trillion wild fish are caught each year, with
Seaspiracy documentary claiming up to 2.7 trillion fish
caught per year or 5 million per minute.
“Temperature ,Speed
and Geography”
The São Francisco River is Brazil's
longest domestic river, spanning
around 2,914 kilometers through
northeastern states. It experiences
a tropical climate with varying
temperatures. The river's flow
speed fluctuates, featuring both
rapid and slower stretches,
impacting the region's geography
and ecosystems.
An important waterway that crosses
Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina is the
Paraná River, which is significant to
South American geography. Its 4,880
kilometers of travel over varied terrain
have an effect on the wildlife of the
“Flow fleet" area. In its Brazilian journey,
temperature accommodates a tropical
TRADE WAY atmosphere with warm to scorching
temperatures. The river's dynamic flow,
SOUTHAMERICA with narrower segments of calmer
water and larger ones with quicker
currents, emphasizes its importance for
transportation and ecological variety.
The Paraná River in South
America boasts the largest
fluvial delta, known as the
Paraná Delta, making it unique
for having the most islands in
the region. This delta is
ecologically vital, serving as a
Home of millions
habitat for diverse wildlife,
regulating water flow, and
contributing to the cultural
landscape with inhabited
of millions islands islands. The Paraná River's
Delta highlights the river's
exceptional natural diversity
and significance beyond
“T emperature
á ,Speed
and Geography”
The Paraná River, stretching across Brazil,
Paraguay, and Argentina, is approximately 4,880
kilometers long. Its geographical features
include diverse landscapes such as plains and
plateaus, contributing to regional biodiversity. In
Brazil, the river experiences a tropical climate,
with temperatures ranging from warm to hot.
The river's speed varies, with faster flows in
certain sections and more relaxed currents in
wider areas.
Giants of Brazil
Giants of Brazil
Pico da Neblina

Pico da Neblina

Tallest Peak in Brazil: Location in the Amazon Rich Biodiversity: Challenging Accessibility: Remote Location:
Pico da Neblina is the Rainforest: Pico da Neblina is Accessing the summit of Pico da Neblina is
highest mountain in Situated on the Brazil- surrounded by the lush Pico da Neblina is situated in a remote
Brazil, standing at Venezuela border, Pico Amazon Rainforest, challenging due remote and isolated part of the
approximately 2,994 da Neblina is located contributing to its rich location and difficult Amazon Rainforest,
meters (9,823 feet) within the vast expanse biodiversity and serving terrain, making it a contributing to its
above sea level. of the Amazon as a habitat for a wide destination for pristine and untouched
Rainforest. variety of plant and experienced natural environment.
animal species. mountaineers and
Less animal , More of a Pokémon
The **Harpy Eagle** is a formidable bird of prey found in High
levels of Central and East (South América), known for its powerful
build and distinctive appearance. In Northeast South America near
High ranges of Amazon, the **Rafflesia Arnoldian** plant produces
the world's largest flowers but relies on a host vine for sustenance.
The **Poison Dart Frog**, native to Central and South American
rainforests, stands out with its vibrant colors and toxic skin
secretions used for defense. In South America, the **Giant
Armadillo** is recognized for its massive size and armored shell,
while the sleek and versatile Bulletproof shield **Jaguarundi**
roams from southern Texas to South America as a stealthy wild cat
with a varied diet.
Less animal , More of a Pokémon
The **Harpy Eagle** is a formidable bird of prey found in High
levels of Central and East (South América), known for its powerful
build and distinctive appearance. In Northeast South America near
High ranges of Amazon, the **Rafflesia Arnoldian** plant produces
the world's largest flowers but relies on a host vine for sustenance.
The **Poison Dart Frog**, native to Central and South American
rainforests, stands out with its vibrant colors and toxic skin
secretions used for defense. In South America, the **Giant
Armadillo** is recognized for its massive size and armored shell,
while the sleek and versatile Bulletproof shield **Jaguarundi**
roams from southern Texas to South America as a stealthy wild cat
with a varied diet.
Less animal , More of a Pokémon
The **Harpy Eagle** is a formidable bird of prey found in High
levels of Central and East (South América), known for its powerful
build and distinctive appearance. In Northeast South America near
High ranges of Amazon, the **Rafflesia Arnoldian** plant produces
the world's largest flowers but relies on a host vine for sustenance.
The **Poison Dart Frog**, native to Central and South American
rainforests, stands out with its vibrant colors and toxic skin
secretions used for defense. In South America, the **Giant
Armadillo** is recognized for its massive size and armored shell,
while the sleek and versatile Bulletproof shield **Jaguarundi**
roams from southern Texas to South America as a stealthy wild cat
with a varied diet.
Less animal , More of a Pokémon
The **Harpy Eagle** is a formidable bird of prey found in High
levels of Central and East (South América), known for its powerful
build and distinctive appearance. In Northeast South America near
High ranges of Amazon, the **Rafflesia Arnoldian** plant produces
the world's largest flowers but relies on a host vine for sustenance.
The **Poison Dart Frog**, native to Central and South American
rainforests, stands out with its vibrant colors and toxic skin
secretions used for defense. In South America, the **Giant
Armadillo** is recognized for its massive size and armored shell,
while the sleek and versatile Bulletproof shield **Jaguarundi**
roams from southern Texas to South America as a stealthy wild cat
with a varied diet.
Less animal , More of a Pokémon
The **Harpy Eagle** is a formidable bird of prey found in High
levels of Central and East (South América), known for its powerful
build and distinctive appearance. In Northeast South America near
High ranges of Amazon, the **Rafflesia Arnoldian** plant produces
the world's largest flowers but relies on a host vine for sustenance.
The **Poison Dart Frog**, native to Central and South American
rainforests, stands out with its vibrant colors and toxic skin
secretions used for defense. In South America, the **Giant
Armadillo** is recognized for its massive size and armored shell,
while the sleek and versatile Bulletproof shield **Jaguarundi**
roams from southern Texas to South America as a stealthy wild cat
with a varied diet.
Pico da Neblina, Brazil's highest peak
within the Amazon Rainforest, plays a vital
role in the region's ecosystem. Its dense
vegetation aids in carbon sequestration,
mitigating climate change impacts.
Additionally, the mountain's elevation
influences precipitation patterns,
contributing to water regulation in the
Amazon basin. Pico da Neblina's
significance is further enhanced by
attracting scientific exploration, providing
insights into biodiversity and supporting
conservation initiatives.
Why it’s a remote

Pico da Neblina is considered remote

due to its location in the dense Amazon
Rainforest near the Brazil-Venezuela
border. The lack of infrastructure,
challenging terrain, protected natural
environment, limited human
settlements, and preservation of
indigenous territories contribute to its
isolation. These factors make accessing
the area difficult, maintaining the
mountain's pristine and untouched
and Geography”
Pico da Neblina's unique geographical
location significantly in fluences its
temperature dynamics. Situated in the
Amazon Rainforest, the mountain
experiences the characteristic warm and
humid climate of the region. The intricate
geography and elevation contribute to diverse
microclimates, fostering a rich array of
ecosystems. This interplay of temperature
and geography at Pico da Neblina showcases
the complex and fascinating environmental
conditions within the Amazon Rainforest.,

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