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-Gr. 9 DALTON-
Butter Cookies
Uses or short explanation
One of the most popular sweets consumed
worldwide is the butter cookie. They are often created
with basic ingredients like butter, wheat flour, sugar, etc.,
and are just intended for ingestion.

Preservatives Used
• benzoates
• sorbates
Fruit Jams
Jams are often used on breads like toasted whitebread
for a quick and easy breakfast

Preservatives Used
• Sugar
• Sodium benzoate
Cheeze is a dairy-based product that has many
applications. It can be used in dishes or eaten as a
Sidedish or a complementary food.

Preservatives Used
• bacteriocin
• nisin
• potassium sorbate
Yogurt, while often served cold it can be paired
with other liquid foods to create more types of food such
as sauces or drinks.

Preservatives Used
• Sodium benzoate
Cereal is usually used as a replacement
breakfast for when someone does not have to time to
cook food.

Preservatives Used
• Butylated hydroxyanisole
• Butylated hydroxytoluene
Ready-To-Eat Meals

“Food that won't be cooked or reheated before serving is

said to be ready to eat.” these are usually used in-order to save time
from making ingredients like sauces that take a pain staking time to

Preservatives Used
• Benzoic acid
• Calcium Sorbate
• Erythorbic Acid
• Potassium Nitrate
• Sodium Benzoate
Crackers / Biscuits
A baked and formed food item made of flour is
called a biscuit. They are typically comprised of sugar,
chocolate, frosting, jam, ginger, and other sweet ingredients.

Preservatives Used
• Potassium Nitrate
• Iso-Ascorbic Acid
• Potassium Nitrite
• Sodium Ascorbate
Pancit Canton
Pancit canton is a brand of instant noodles
used for to pass the hunger and not usually
recommended as a breakfast food.

Preservatives Used
• Tertiary butylhydroquinone
Hotdogs are a kid-favorite food good for a breakfast
especially when paired with rice

Preservatives Used
• sodium phosphates
• sodium diacetate
• sodium benzoate
• sodium ascorbate
• sodium nitrite
Chips are a great food to pass the time when
watching a movie or just relaxing in general.

Preservatives Used
• ascorbic acid
• sodium phosphate
• sodium bisulfite
While searching some of these preservatives/foods it felt shocking, I guess to see that these
things are approved and sold of to consumers who most likely don’t check the ingredients of these foods.

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