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Background Introduction to traffic modelling. Problems Research Focus

Basic Architecture


Cellular -Problems
Call routing Resource allocation Call handling Congestion Call drop Call terminate Handover, handoff
The effect of the user mobility on the traffic volume per cell. An MU during an ongoing call may move from a cell area to an adjacent one.

SIM track User billing info

Growth of Wireless Networks

Traffic Modelling
Traffic Modelling may be defined as model that handles traffic of signals from the time, subscriber requests for a service till the termination of service by the subscriber. Major tasks traffic management take care, are: Resource allocation is used to assign the available resources in an efficient way. Handovers between random cells Compatibility between subscribers using different services Identification of users/billing info 3-G service has transformed the mobile to multimedia devices Multimedia applications consuming major bandwidth resources Real time applications (needs dedicated setup)

Earlier Works
Earlier works were mainly focused on: how to increase the number of users within limited allocated bandwidth. Increasing the range of BTS Improving quality of service Fails to achieve: Support to real time applications. Did not consider Mobile unit as intelligent device.

Multimedia Applications
Following are some of the multimedia applications
Text Audio* Still images* Animation* Video* Online gaming* Interactivity Video chatting/ conferencing
* (upload and download)

Bit Rates
Voice over telephone

Audio *
32kbps (MW) 96kbps (FM)

Video *
128 to 324 kbps
NOTE: These are minimum levels required to make the data recognizable, Bit rates could be increased to have better QoS but at the cost of large bandwidth usage

(* Additional pressure over resource allocation)

Ad Hoc Wireless Network Model

If nodes are not limited in their transmissions, we get the following formulas :

Assumptions : -Static nodes -Bandwidth : 2.2 MHz -Interference limited network -Every node has global information

Need Of MTM ?
Why do we need MTM?
Phenomenal increase in wireless subscriber. Limited bandwidth availability for wireless communication. Increase in number of wireless services. More pressure on resource allocator Commitment on QoS and time constraints Real time application require special attention to make them worthy

Multimedia Traffic Problems

These multimedia applications require large bandwidth hence consumes considerable share of resources leaving resource allocator with very little choice. Online gaming demands high speed and synchronization. Internet latency is inevitable data transfer delays that create lag in games, keeping an online game from running smoothly. Phones are just becoming powerful enough but the networks aren't fast enough to handle that. Video talk/ conferencing puts additional pressure on resource management. A proper balance has to be maintained between QoS and resources allocated. All these problems increases when subscriber is rapidly changing his position. Need of real time feasibility

Example of real time application

Wall street
An industry in which millions of dollars are won or lost in milliseconds Adopting instant messaging (IM), which is versatile and reliable and, most important, facilitates real-time communication Yet, enterprise instant messaging can be a challenge to control, particularly if business users are subscribing to popular public IM using there mobile phones

Research Focus
To device a traffic model which could deal with:
Increasing number of applications at user end. Increasing number of subscribers To reduce the pressure at resource allocator. To solve the delay problem and to have maximum synchronization. To support real time applications

Probable Approach
Following is probable approach for Multimedia Traffic Model(MTM):
It basically works upon minimum bandwidth and maximum bandwidth requirements. If we could achieve variable bit rate for every data type (voice, video, text) bandwidth constraints could be handled within limits. Variable bit rate could be used to enhance bandwidth usage and to make the model more intelligent Voice encoding schemes like MPEG-4 can be used as it supports very low bit rate with bandwidth requirements of only 5-64 kbps.

Audio signals with silence detecting technique and sophisticated coding methods could achieve variable bit rate. Data transfer such as messaging, file transfer, web browsing uses packet transmission. When we achieve variable bit rate for every kind of signal we could use it accordingly depending on the network situation. Like in the situation of call rush hours, when there is maximum traffic over the network, the bandwidth for browsing, video can be reduced by lowering the bit rate to minimum level

References FID=57845365&CFTOKEN=43351410;jsessionid=S0CSUGHXRCDAZQE1GHOSKHWATM Y32JVN?articleID=183701443&_requestid=584094

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