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Wayang Kulit


Group 4
Reena Santos
Shiana Arco
Shanice Pamplona
David Dela Cruz
Patrick Pastorfide
• What is the Wayang puppet theatre play?
• What are the characteristics of the play?
• Brief history of the Wayang puppet
theatre play
• Video Sample :DD
What is the Wayang
puppet play?
Wayang is a traditional form of puppet
theatre play originating from the
Indonesian island of Java. It is a
classical Javanese puppet drama that
uses the shadows thrown by puppets
manipulated by rods against a
translucent screen lit from behind. The
puppets are controlled by the dalang.
When is it
usually it is used to celebrate mantenan
(Javanese wedding ceremony) and sunatan
(circumcision ceremony). In events, it is used to
celebrate Independence Day, the anniversaries
of municipalities and companies, birthdays,
commemorating certain days, and many more.
Even in the modern era with the development of
tourism activities, wayang puppet shows are
used as cultural tourism attractions.
it is a unique form of theatre employing light and
shadow. The puppets are crafted from buffalo hide and
mounted on bamboo sticks. When held up behind a
piece of white cloth, with an electric bulb or an oil lamp
as the light source, shadows are cast on the screen.

It usually talks about romantic tales or religous leaders

The Wayang Kulit uses 3 musical instruments :
The hanging gongs, gendang ibu, and gendang
Hanging Gongs Gendang Ibu Gendang Anak

Additionaly, these can also be accompanied

by : gedombak, serunai, gedok, and kesi.

The Wayang Kulit is accompanied by a

gamelan (an Indonesian music ensemble)

Gamelan Ensemble
Brief history
Developed before the 10th
century, the form had origins
in the thalubomalata, the
leather puppets of southern
Thank you for watching!
youtube :D

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