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Decision Tree
Decision Tree

Is a flowchart-like structure used for decision-making. It’s a visual and analytical

tool that helps to breakdown a complex decision into smaller, manageable parts.
Making it easier to weigh different options and outcomes
Decision trees typically consist of three different elements:

Root Node (Decision points)

Branches (Choices)

Leaf Node (Outcomes)

Root Node

The top-level node represents the ultimate objective or big decision you’re trying to make.

Branches, which stem from the root, represent different options — or courses of action — that are
available when making a particular decision. They are most commonly indicated with an arrow line and often
include associated costs, as well as the likelihood to occur.
Leaf Node:

which are attached at the end of the branches represents possible outcomes for each actions
Uses of decision tree

1. Problem solving
2. Policy Development
3.Planning and organizing
4. Risk Assessment
5. Communication
6. Student Guidance
7. Teaching Tool
Problem solving
Addressing complex issues in the school, such
as resource allocation, staff assignments, or student

Policy Development
when creating new policies, a decision tree
helps to predict the potential outcomes of different
policy options, allowing for a more informed decision
Planning and organizing
for event planning, curriculum development, or
any other organizational task, a decision tree can
help map out the steps and decisions involved,
ensuring nothing is overlooked.

Risk Assessment
evaluate risks associated with different
courses of action, particularly in situations involving
student safety or financial decision
use decision tree to communicate complex decisions to
staff, parents, and stakeholders, making it easier for them
to understand the reasoning behind certain choices.

Teaching Tool
Introduce decisions trees as a learning tool in subject
like mathematics, economics or computer science to teach
problem solving and critical thinking
Student Guidance
they can be used in guiding students, especially
in career counselling or academic choices, helping
them to understand the consequences of different
Using decision trees can improve
transparency, consistency, and
objectivity in decision-making
processes, which is crucial in a
leadership role like a head teacher

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