ARTS Q3 PPT MAPEH10 Lesson 3 Characteristics of Philippines Photography

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❑ Explain the characteristics

of media-based arts and

design in the Philippines.
o Identify the artist of the given
art photos.

George Tapan John K. Chua Manny Librodo

DIRECTION: Tell whether the
statement is clear (True), Blur (False).
Interesting foreground is the
portion of the frame that is closest
to the camera.
Shadow gives depth to two-
dimensional images.
Symmetry is the visual ratio of
different tones in an image.
Candid shots stand out.
Good lighting not under or over
exposed is too obvious.
A sharp photograph does not
require intent and skill
DIRECTION: Observe the given picture.
Explain the characteristics of the photo.
You may write your observation on your
notebook in 3 minutes.
Interesting Foreground
- it is the portion of the frame
that is closest to the camera.
The foreground space in an
image can be utilized to draw
attention to a subject located
further into the frame, for
example with leading lines, or
it can be used to frame the
o By definition, the foreground is the part of a view that’s closest
to the observer. As a photography term, it’s the part of the view
that’s closest to the camera.

o Understanding and controlling the foreground elements in a

photo can deliver intense compositions and narrative.

o A photo that has strong foreground elements is more appealing

to the viewer. It can be a core focal point or point of interest
that pulls the viewer into the image.

o When you consider that the foreground is the first thing we

observe in life and photos, it’s no wonder it’s such a vital part of
good photography.

o What’s more, foreground in a photograph provides perspective

and adds dimension to a flat physical image.
- a sharp photograph shows
intent and skill. There are
times that some parts of an
image are blurry or vague
but can be enhanced with
the use of neutral density
Interesting perspective
- sometimes all photographs
need to be interesting. In order
to do this. There should be a
change of perspective. A shot
taken from a few inches from
the ground or under the
subject, something which is
not usually seen can produce
great images
Good lighting
- not under or over exposed is too obvious. A
photographer knows how to really work with
light which can help create some truly
stunning images. Some rules are meant to be
broken and lighting is one of them.
- it is the quality of being made
up of exactly similar parts
facing each other or around an
axis. It can play tricks in our
brain and when used properly
in photography, it creates
interesting photographs.
Photographs of architecture
often use symmetry.
- it gives depth to two-
dimensional images or just
interesting composition
- is the visual ratio of
different tones in an
image. This difference is
what creates the textures,
highlights, shadows, colors
and clarity in a
Human Interest
- Candid shots stand out. It is
better to see photos with the
subject who isn’t reacting to
the camera but instead, living
their life.
- it is the ability to draw
the viewer’s attention
away from anything
distracting in the image
and lead them right to the
main subject.
∙ Group the class into 4.
∙ Each group will be assigned a theme:
(a. People/ Personalities, b. School, c. Nature and
d. Insights/Humor)
∙ Together with the group move around, take
photographs on the assigned theme. Store the best ones
for group evaluation. Apply the characteristics learned
in Photography.
∙ Each member should have 1 photo saved and collage
your artwork in apps. Submit your work to the
GC/Facebook group (MAPEH 10 OFFICIAL) or hand in to
the teacher. Do this in 15 minutes only.
Criteria 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

The The The arrangement
arrangement arrangement arrangement of
of of of photographs
photographs photographs photographs lacks an
shows a good shows a basic shows limited understanding
Composition exceptional
use of art use of art use of art and use of art
use of art
elements, elements, elements, elements,
enhancing the contributing to affecting the detracting
enhancing the
overall the overall overall from the
exhibit. exhibit. exhibit. overall
The exhibit is The exhibit is
The exhibit is The exhibit has
visually visually The exhibit
visually striking some visually
appealing and pleasing, but lacks visual
and captures the appealing
captures the lacks a strong
viewer's aspects, but appeal and
Visual Impact viewer's impact or fails
attention, lacks fails to
attention, to hold the
creating an consistency and engage the
providing an viewer's
engaging fails to engage viewer.
enjoyable attention
experience. the viewer.
experience. consistently.

The The The

The The
photographs photographs photographs
photographs photographs
demonstrate show basic demonstrate
show good show limited
Technical exceptional technical skills, lack of
technical skills, technical skills,
Skills technical skills, with some technical skills,
with few minor with significant
such as focus, noticeable with major
technical technical
exposure, and technical technical
issues. issues.
lighting. issues. issues present.
The arrangement The arrangement The arrangement The arrangement arrangement of
of photographs of photographs of photographs of photographs photographs
effectively reflects reflects and partially reflects minimally reflects disregards the
and incorporates incorporates the and incorporates and incorporates
chosen art
Alignment with the chosen art chosen art the chosen art the chosen art
elements, elements, elements, partially elements, having elements, failing
Art Elements
enhancing the supporting the supporting the limited impact on to contribute to
overall theme and overall theme and overall theme and the overall theme the overall
message of the message of the message of the and message of theme and
exhibit. exhibit. exhibit. the exhibit. message of the

The exhibit
The exhibit The exhibit The exhibit lacks
demonstrates The exhibit lacks
shows good shows basic creativity
exceptional creativity, with
creativity, creativity, with altogether, with
creativity, limited attempts
displaying some some attempts at no attempts at
showcasing at originality and
Creativity originality and originality and originality or
unique and imaginative
imaginative imaginative imaginative
innovative approaches to
approaches to approaches to approaches to
approaches to photography and
photography and photography and photography and
photography and arrangement.
arrangement. arrangement. arrangement.
How important to know the
messages or meaning of a
picture and how can you relate
it to your daily lives.
Take family picture applying the
elements of Photography. Have a
frame on it and display.

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