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Sandh| Shar|r

W Know about the type oI joints and their
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W All the bones in the body are joined
with each other
W Joints are termed as sandhi
W Sandhis oI the skull and the teeth
have sthir sandhi(Iixed joints)
W Other joints are chal or cheshthavant
W Moved in a limited manner
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W ones coming under chal joints are covered
with tarunashti
W Elastic in nature and can withstand the pushes
W Above these tarunashti, there is another layer,
termed as sandhikosh (like a bag)
W Sandhikosh, above tarunashti, there is a double
thin layer like a bag
W Substances such as shleshma exist in it
W On movement, used as grease
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I the number oI joints are considered :
Two types: Sthir or achal
W Each branch has 17
W All branches have 68
W Other places 83
W 210 joints described in Ayurveda.
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W Sandhi means joining that is joining oI two
bones is called sandhi.
W Total number oI sandhis are 210.
W According to the structure eight type oI sandhi
described in Ayurvedic text. Those are:
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W Move the body parts and locomotion.
W Give a shape to body
W Maintain the posture
W Protect internal vital organs
W Flexibility to the skeletal Irame and to act as
shock absorbers.
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s per Modern
W Hinge-joint
W Pivot-joint
W all and socket joint
W Gliding join
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lnge [olnL
W Allows the movement oI the part oI body in
one direction
W Up or sown but not sideways.
W Example - knee-joint, elbow-joint, movement
oI the lower jaw.
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9lvoL [olnL
W Permits essential movement oI the parts oI body
this joined.
W Movement oI the skull is an example.
W A man can turn his head Irom one side to the
other by rotating the skull,
W Which is joined to the backbone at its top in such
a way that a pivotal movements is possible
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all and sockeL [olnL
W When a part is capable oI making an all round
W Up and down and sideways
W Leg can be moved in any direction, sideways,
up and down
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lldlng [olnL
W An example oI this kind oI joint is the
movement oI the wrist.
W At the wrist there are a number oI small boned
which glide one over the other, when we turn
our palm upwards or downwards.
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Type OI Sandhi
W Kora - t look like budding Ilower. Example
Anguli(Fingers), Gulpha (Ankle)
W &ookhaa - t look like Mortal (Stone grinder).
Example Alveolar socket and teeth
W $amudga - The two bones Iit into each other.
ExampleNitamba (Lumbo sacral joint)
W !ratara - t look like layered structure. Example
inter-vertebral joints
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W %una sevani - Articular ends oI both the bones are
Iixed in one another. e.g. Shira (joint oI skull bones)
W 'ayasa tunda - Looks like a beak oI bird that is one
portion oI a bone enters in the hole like structure oI
other bone.e.g. Hanu sandhi (temporo
W andaa Kanta, hridaya, netra, Klomanadishu
W $hankha Avarta: Shrotra and Shringataka
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8udd|ng I|r
Angu||(I|ngrs) Gu|pha (Ank|)
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W llngers
W WrlsL
W nkle
W Llbow
W ngull
W Manlbandha ulpha
W !aanu nd kurpara Sandhl
n I|nt
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Mrta| (Stn Gr|ndr) A|v|ar Snkt And 1th
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W kaksha (arm plL)
W vankshna(roln)
W uashana (LeeLh)
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1 8ns I|t Int anh Cthr Lumb Sanra| I|nt
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W msa 9eeLha (Scapula
W uda (nal)
W 8haga (lemale enlLalla)
W nlLamba (8ums)
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Layrd Struntur Intrvrtbra| I|nts
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Grva 9rusta Vamsa(sp|na|
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1una svan|
W Art|nu|ar nds bth
th bns ar |d |n
n anthr
W [|nt sku|| bns
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Vayasa tunda
8ak C 8|rd nanu sandh|
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W kanLa hrldaya neLra
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Shankha Avarta
W avlng clrcles !olnLs aL
ears shankha ( lnner ear )
I|nts at ars
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W Lhe number o [olnLs are consldered each
branch has 17 LhaL all branches have 68 and
aL oLher places 83 l e ln all 210 [olnLs
descrlbed ln yurveda
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1hank u
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