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Requirements and Rules for Container
1. Your containers job is to keep the ice cream inside from melting on the delivery motorcycle
2. Your container must have AT LEAST 3 layers ( you can have more)
3. If you only do 3 layers each layer must be different material, but if you do more than 3 layers
you can repeat a material
4. Each layer should be a different color so that it is easy to see on the sketch
5. On the second slide you need to tell me what material each layer is made of and why you
chose to use that material
6. Make sure to put a picture of some sort of ice cream inside your sketch container
7. Use arrows to show how heat transfer is trying to happen in this scenario

Is heat trying to get into the box from outside?

Or is the cold from the ice cream trying to get out of the box?

8. Remember, you CANNOT use any sort of power like refrigerator or freezer. You cannot add
anything else inside the container like dry ice, ice, snow, or cold packs. You cannot just use an
already purchased cooling container like a cooler or an insulation lunch bag.
Explanations of Layers/Materials Page
Layer 1 = Wood: I chose wood because it is a great insulator. For example in houses they use wood in
houses and it keeps cold or warm air from leaving and coming in.
Layer 2= Foam: I chose foam because in houses they use foam plus wood in houses, an they usually
keep the temperature they are set to.
Layer 3 = Wood: chose wood because it is a great insulator. For example in houses they use wood in
houses and it keeps cold or warm air from leaving and coming in.
Layer 4=Rubber: I chose rubber because on windows in cars they line it with rubber to keep air out.
Layer 5=Wood chose wood because it is a great insulator. For example in houses they use wood in
houses and it keeps cold or warm air from leaving and coming in.
Layer 6=Foam: I chose foam because in houses they use foam plus wood in houses, an they usually
keep the temperature they are set to.
Summary Write Up (why will it work): My Box will work because they are
materials that are used in everyday objects that keep warm temperatures out of
them. Another reason why is 2 of my materials are used to insulate houses which
keep the tempurature its set to from escaping. Also rubber is used to line or
insulate car windows which ar sometimes exposed to high temperatures and
keep them out. In conclusion these three materials sre used to insulate things
that are exposed to high temperatures on a daily basis.

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