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Presented By
Debarshi Narayan Baruah
CBCS 5th sem
 Introduction
 Basic Definition of Light
 Reasons why traveling faster than light
is not possible
 Reference
 Conclusion
In science fiction movies or web series
we see many characters and space
ships which can travel faster than light.
This characters not only makes us
excited but also make us to think that is
it possible to travel faster than light in
real life also ? But in reality with the
current knowledge mankind achieved in
science it is impossible to beat the
speed of light.
Basic Definition of Light
“Light is the connection between us and the universe. Through
light we could experience distant stars and look back at the
beginning of existence itself”

The word light means brightness, radiant energy, that which makes things

Light is a kind of wave, somewhat like ocean waves or

sound waves. Waves carry energy from one place to
another. But light waves don’t need water or air or anything
to travel. They can move even in empty space (unlike
sound waves). Light waves are made of a mixture of
electricity and magnetism so they are called
electromagnetic waves.
Reasons why traveling faster than
light is not possible
According to science there is no such a
thing exist which can travel faster than
light. In fact it is impossible for a object to
have same velocity as light.
Albert Einstein even told that speed limit
of light is the speed limit of universe.
Here we are talking about the objects of
the universe, not the universe because
after big bang the expansion of universe
is faster than light.
Let us discuss the reasons why traveling
faster than light is not possible
 Violation of Causality Principle
Causality Principle :The Causality Principle states
that all real events necessarily have a cause. The
principle indicates the existence of a logical
relationship between two events, the cause and the
effect, and an order between them
That means cause always come before effect, No
effect will occur without any cause.
We know that the speed of light is also the
speed of electromagnetic wave and it is the
fastest speed of spreading any information in
the universe. That means we can say that
light is one type of instrument for us through
which we can observe the universe. It is the
light due to which time runs in a order and
causality principle don’t violate
If the light of a supernova expansion which
occurs 10 years before reached us today it
does not mean that the expansion occures
today it means that the explosion occurred
10years ago but information of that explosion
reached us today.
If the information start to travel faster than
light than causality will break and we will see
the processes in reverse order.
 Hermann Minkowski’s Space-time

Einstein told that space and time were not

separate entities, but rather two
component of a bigger ideal called space
Here let us consider that a car is on a huge flat
surface and it can only move in one speed. Now if the
car move east direction entirely then there will be no
motion in the north direction similarly if it moves
entirely in north direction then there will be no motion
in the east direction or as shown in figure if it moves
in north east direction then the car is moving in both
directions and neither direction getting all the motion.
In relativity we don’t have east and west
direction. Instead we have space time. Let
imagine that the horizontal direction is space
and the vertical direction is time. Suppose
there is a single and fixed speed that we can
travel through space time.
Now comparing it with our previous example we
get if the car is moving entirely in time then it is not
moving through space. Now what happens if it start
to moving through space ? That’s fancy way to say
that it gains some velocity. What we see here is as
an object start to begin move more through space
then it moves less through time and eventually
when we move only through space we don’t move
through time at all.
This is basically what relativity says,
As you move faster, your clocks slow down and as you get very
close to the speed of light, your clocks nearly stops
This brings us to our fundamental realization
of relativity. The reason we cant move
through space faster than the speed of light
because we are constantly moving through
space-time at a single speed that is the
speed of light.
If we aren’t moving through space, we
experience time in the fastest way, and if we
start moving through space, we experience
time slower and slower
Finally, since we are moving through
space-time at a single speed, that means
that when we are only moving through
space, there is no more speed to gain. We
move through space at the speed of light
and that’s it.
This Observation was made by Hermann
Minkowski in 1907.
 Special theory of relativity tells us that if the
speed of an object icrease then mass of an
object also increases (According to relativity
mass equation) and more the mass of an
object increases more amount of energy the
object will require to accelerate it. Hence to
travel for an object at the speed of light the
object will need infinite amount of energy as
the mass of the body will be infinite.
 Interaction of particles with the Higgs
boson field in universe is also one of the
reason why an object can’t travel faster
than light.
 Pictures Credit : https://
From the above reasons it is proven that for
us travelling with the speed of light or faster
than is not possible in the present but also in
the near future.
But the scientists suggested some
theories/concepts through which travelling
faster than light is possible without breaking
the laws of physics. For example concept of
wormhole, Quantum entanglement etc.

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