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By Bogdan Poienaru and Cristian Chiffa
In the last part of the 1960s, a charming
wanderer named Charles Manson compelled
different young women and men, a
significant parcel of whom were defenseless
youths, to join a religion called “The
The social occasion’s most
shameful crimes occurred in
August 1969.

The evening of August 8, facilitated by Manson, a couple of his “relatives” assaulted a home in the
northern inclines of Los Angeles. Through the range of the evening and into the next morning, they
killed five people, including chief Roman Polanski’s life partner, Sharon Tate, who was eight-and-a-
half months pregnant by then and Abigail Folger, recipient to the Folger Coffee fortune. The next
night, Manson’s relatives continued with their binge, killing supermarket official Leno LaBianca and
his soul mate Rosemary.
Manson was prosecuted and sentenced
close by the family people who’d
finished the homicides at his
command. Manson was
condemned to death, in any case,
he was not executed. He carried on
with the remainder of his life in
jail and died in 2017 of respiratory

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