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Is a multiple cropping practice that involves

growing two or more crop in proximity. In
other words, intercropping is the cultivation
of two or more crops simultaneously on the
same piece of the land.
Why adoption intercropping?
Most common goal is of intercropping is to
produce a greater yield on a given piece of
land by making use of resources or ecological
processes that would otherwise not be utilized
by a single crop
 MIXED INTEROPPING = Growing of two or more crops
simultaneously on the same piece of land with no distinct
row arrangement.
for example > mixed intercropping between maize and
red amarnath
 ROW INTERCROPPING = Growing of two or more
crops simultaneously on same piece of land with
distinct row arrangement.

 For example >

 PATCH INTERCROPPING = Growing of two or ore crops
simultaneously on same piece of land in patches.
 For example > coriander + spinach + cauliflower
 RELAY INTERCROPPING = Growing of two or more crops
simultaneously on the same piece of land during the part
of life cycle of each. The second crop planted after first
crop has reached its reproductive of growth but it is ready
for harvest.
 For example >cropping of wheat and soyabean
 STRIP INTERCROPPING = Growing of two or more crops
simultaneously on the same piece of land in stripes wide
enough to permit independent cultivation.
 for example >
 PARALLEL INTRCROPPING = G rowing of two or more crops
which have different growth habits and have zero
competition between each other and both of them
express their full yield potential.
 For exmple > sugarcane with cauliflower
 ALLEY INTERCROPPING = Food crops are grown in alleys
formed by hedge or shrubs or tress. It is an agro-forestry
 For example >

 Intercropping gives additional yield

income/unit area than sole cropping.
 It acts as an insurance against failure of
crops in abnormal year.
 Reduction in soil runoff and controls weeds.
 It provides shade and support to the other
 Inter-crops maintain the soil fertility as the
nutrient uptake is made from both layers of

 Yield decreases as the crops differ in their

competitive abilities.
 Improved implements cannot be used
 Harvesting is difficult
 Higher amount of fertilizer or irrigation
water cannot be utilized properly as the
component crops vary in their response of
these resources

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